Endurance Onslaught 6.0

You know what that was probably the best app ive ever seen

dont be lazy Denied
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I would like to join wapow :3
I Live in the uk
My sign in is lee4422 as you can see
I have lots of friends at school and on toribash
I like lots of music like.. Hip-hop, rap , and stuff like that
My favourite sports is football I'm a fast runner
I have a ps4, ps3, xbox360, laptop,
I have pets like... Snakes, Dogs, Hedgehog 2x (one boy one girl) I have lizards to and a chameleon.
I'm very friendly I like helping people out
I like sword fighting and cup tea and I like soda & hanging out with my bros
My birthday is near Christmas
Toribash is a good game to play you meet awesome people on it like "Flamesmath" he's a good fighter
I like sleeping Having fun & Going crazy
I have Skype but I forgot my username so I'll create a new one
I love my life it really good I have 2 brothers one is disabled sadly
but he really epic! I got another brother he's tall he's 15 and my disabled brother is 16 (He the oldest)
My brother (Disabled one) He like listening to music and singing and watching TV.
My other brother he like playing games like me he has toribash he's toribash username is Reddead333
I have like helicopters a spy plane
I have a big garden I have lots of 5 TV
I got good stuff for my birthday and Christmas.
I'm mostly online and sometime forume active I have a nice house I'm a 10th dan black belt as u can see, I got a phone and a iPad
and a electric bike
And I also like watching TV I like cartoons
So you now know quite a lot about me don't you?
I lots of friends on toribash
I like black ops games and stuff
(Mods That I Like) Sparring (realistically) mushu and wushu & wcw mods and parkour. I can run and flip and do back flips (On Toribash).
Wapow seem like a really good clan and it's a good name It filled with pros because I have defeated them they're quite hard and also I want to join this clan so I can kinda help u guys out, and give ideas if u want any flamesmath is cool I have been fighting him.
My family is epic well I think so anyway.

Thank you for reading
Last edited by lee4422; Feb 28, 2015 at 05:41 PM.
*bounce# 2nd aplication.
Hello my toribash friends.My name is Stepan.My Username is GriDx24 i have a black belt.I always check my pms.My skype is griD_x24(like my username =D)My belt is Black.I have no friends in its clan and it so sad but i think every people have chance.I like playing judo and judofrac.I play good at it.I win ~10 tournaments or more.My activity on forum is 5/10 because i come from school at 14:00.But in game is 7/10.Yeah my time playing toribash not much, but i think its enough.My character is not so bad.I dont have previous clans(so sad...).Good bye my friends.P.S this is my players cardI want to join clan because ive seen players of it many times and they play good.I skiing in my normal life.
Good application, your stats look good, Flamesmash has given good feedback on your character and we are building up our GMT+ team.
All of these things add up to be a BIG YES from me.

PM me with your Skype name and I will talk to you there.
Or just add me as a contact on Skype. (wapow.clan)

It looks like you have a long way to go in your TB career.
You might try again after you get more experience, DENIED.


Yes, i have accepted your request also ill keep try to be in touch to the clan tread. Just to be sure that you and other members that them seeing me Active.

`kizicom :3
Hey everyone, some of you guys already know me but some do not. I am Hugo, or Taf either is fine and I have been playing Toribash since 2012. Let me start with a little information of who I am. I am a 14 year old boy who is a football player (or soccer player) as well as a good basket ball player . I live in England in Lodon (GTM +0). I regularly use my desktop but I do have my phone which i use to which be more active on forums. I live in a flat, or apartment. I most of the time play Toribash and Xbox when I'm not playing this. I am currently a year nine(9th Grade) and go to a okay school it's not the best. I am active in-game about 3-4 hours a day and 4-5 hours a day on weekends. I don't have a high post count because I recently became forum active but I post on forums daily.

Now lets get into the game part: I play a big variety of mods of I do exceptionally well in Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, Mushu and Erthtk. I am a person that is open to all mods and I like to have fun overall. I am not a person who plays for TC and seriously... games are made to have fun not to rage over people and over things. You will never see me get mad unless there is an injustice with me or another person. I have been in various well known clans such as (FC) being my first, and finally (Soak).
I was War Commander in all three clans, because I am good when it comes to wars.

Why I want to join (wapow) and how can I support it: First thing is first, as I mentioned above I do not play for TC, with that said I am ok to donate most if not all the TC I gain(When i have it). I will be there for most wars you guys do and I will always do my best to bring (wapow) to the top. I have met many members of (wapow) and they are really skilled and friendly. On wars I see seriousness which is something that I like due to some clans do not know how to behave in such situations. I think this is about everything I have to say right now, If you guys want a little more do not hesitate to ask me. If you would like to test me in-game you are more than welcome to do so.

Now for the replay part: I do not make many replays nor I'm really good at it. I try my best but my single player skills are nothing compared to what I could do on multiplayer.

So you made it to the end of the application! The last thing I want to say is thank you for your time in considering my application and I hope I get a spot in this skilled and great clan.

Also one last point I know I'm only blue belt but test me in game, and the decide if I'm a blue belt : )
Come and get drunk with my family [Liquor]
What do you have to offer WAPOW?Skill and Strength

What's you favorite mod?AKB Aikido Judo Mushu

How often do you play?I play more than I post on forums

Do you post regularly in forums?My forum posting is not that regular

Do you check and respond to your PMs?Yes

Tell us about your Toribash experience.I have alot of skill and have been playing for 4 years and this is my alt

Include your Skype Username.Sherrif721
WAPOW relies on Skype to keep in touch with each other.

Effort is a good indicator of how badly you want in, so put some thought into your application.

We will consider your good character and skill, show us that you have both of these.

Your real life is important too. Tell us about your skills, hobbies, sports, social groups etc.

Don't assume that because you have a friend in the clan you will gain a free pass or easy entrance.N/A

We will usually take a few days to consider and then let you know.

It is very important that you join us in-game and get to know us.
Type /rf (enter) then /sa WAPOW (enter) in your TB client.
Not a bad app, get to know us in-game.

But, being that you are a Blue Belt and you have said "test me in game, and the decide if I'm a blue belt : )".
I am assuming that you are an alt.
Our clan does not accept members who are not devoted to it 100%.

I am not sure why you copied and pasted half of the guidelines in your application.
Might want to work on your forum skills.

And since you stated outright that you are an alt, AUTO-DENIED.