Originally Posted by fawflaw View Post
Anyone up for a generally military themed duel using the colours:Ivory,Gladiator and Hydra?

<These three colours.

Heads would be somewhat influenced by military-related kinda stuff.It doesn't have to be anything,it's just got to have that kind of a feel.

i'm on ^^
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
A challenger appears...

I meant I want to compete ^^
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by Dirtnapp View Post
Finished Matteman. Waiting For yours.

Ok heres mine, its a sort of Rock Gollem (i dont know how to call it but this sounds the best for the head)

i really did my best on this, but i just found out that im not that great at monster heads xD

if u cant see it good, then stand up and look from this upper of your screen