Originally Posted by sdsman View Post
im not sure if i can say yes or no to a app but if i am ill say this no to the new apps there to short and cause the post below twi if i can stay or not i say no because you only have 5 POSTS that proves that your not active forum wise a d that also means that you don't use the TB forums. and the one after no too because the app to:-)me is to short ur post are only 94 i know i only have 78 but i dont waste my time making ginipig apps and i think your only high on posts because you type one or tnree words an thats it. So you only make short sebtebces

How about you not do that since you're only a trial member and more than likely not a member at all
I like KoiKage. ColdEyes, lets give him a few more votes as well as sdsman. He's already in the clan though.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Glad to be on board! Now don't forget to assign me that topic I'm dying for.