If we would have had the requirements I want now back when I applied I wouldn't have been accepted in the first place. You're making it sound like I think I'm better then everyone else, and that's not the case. I just think we should raise the requirements or change to invite only. If we only accept all those special members we would have more special people apply and therefore gain a lot more respect.
God knows I'm no good with words...
I think I understand what you mean, but I have to say I think your argument is meritless. If you had been able to provide us with some sort of evidence that we need the suggested change, it would have been different. I still see no reason to change the way we do things. The people we accept are "special"(in a good way) by all means, considering what the average player is. Now if you don't think so, we'll agree to disagree. I think you're a single ally now(not sure), but we're not obliged to go through with every suggestion we receive from you, and even with our own suggestions So thanks for the suggestion, but I doubt we'll be implementing it. Nothing personal against you, even if I had suggested that I doubt it would have been approved.
Last edited by lordtiger; Oct 5, 2012 at 03:45 PM.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
What about a free-response question? I'm sure that will weed out some of the less intelligent/skilled in rhetoric. This, along with the common application, I believe, along with small things like answering the questions correctly, will give a full view of the person that we are judging.

Also, what about the idea of having a contacts thread (see previous page)? That way, no one has to go around asking for information, such as skype, PS3 or Xbox usernames, blogs, deviantART, possibly age, etc. I'd have the task of setting it up, so as long as I have the information via PM, or posted on the forums, I'll have it completed in no time.
I think you should add the contacts to the Big Book of Hunters
And I realized we don't have a place to buy, sell things in our class. Hunters Market
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
yes a market thread would be good, and no offence to who ever made the hunters banner but i think we need a new one. :/
There was a [Hunters] market some months ago. It was removed because most Hunters don't really sell to their own clanmates. If you think you can keep it active and simple you can ask pitcher/2pro/LT so they can make one for you.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO