Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yes from Flan = yes from me.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU

my name is nnaass and I am a black belt (Just got it).
i have good sportsmanship and i also play well. ( I have a rank of 3512)
my favorite mod is Classic.
And I am a boy.

Thanks for reading

and have a good day
Most certainly not,my reasons: # 1 you wore the Phantom tag falsely
#2 You posted in many other clan's recruitment threads,after many Phantom members told you it was a bad idea.So it's a no from me.If any of the other co-leaders are still considering this candidate please read this thread first.
Last edited by TehFlan; Jan 14, 2009 at 06:15 PM.
Quoting OfUnknown...
Originally Posted by OfUnknown View Post
In my opinion, no. My reasons? #1, you were first pretending to be in Phantom when you weren't, and that's how some people know you, so that's a negative statement. #2, You are already in a clan, AND posted applications in The Pie Clan, The Dead Demon, Alpha, Torigod, Torikings, Hunters, Quick, Predator, MastaStrike, Devil-Hunter, Soul Clan and Dance of Death within a couple of days!!! #3, You are brown and this is a black+ only clan. #4, based on your grammar, name, and how you talk, I see you as a very immature person.

Couldn't put it better myself.