Originally Posted by Tetsuru View Post
1:00am Picture
Hate me pls

Gigantic Picture One

Me at target

hey there dark chocolate c:
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Tetsuru View Post
I don't comprehend the language.
I am of Jamaican and native american decent.
How dare you insult me.
due to popular demand I will show my gf
she is costa rican <3

Can I do her?
Although she is already 12.
Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
Can I do her?
Although she is already 12.

Zyrax please. Behave and shit,express your feelings in more polite ways you sex crazed beast.jeez.
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
I was drunk, again.
So, I should say it in a politer way of course.
Am I allowed to penetrate her?
Originally Posted by Tetsuru View Post

due to popular demand I will show my gf
she is costa rican <3

....I have no words.
I'm so damn proud of you son.
Also, if she was at least 15, Id hit that.

Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
LOL , your black to ? so you have that to or not ? :S , i don't have that hair XD

I have better hair than the average nigga,

mk step up yo gaim. you should ask apul for a date. afterall i heard you have a crush for him.
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
don't be silly koor, i am homo only for disco and no one else.

Apple?Disco is main ! Even i am not beautiful i would still date with disco >:l And if you wanna share disco with me i shall share KFC from tetsuru :3
Last edited by kakajade_old; Jul 7, 2013 at 04:45 PM.