^ epic win
seems like alpha alpha stealing your recruits ;p what a loss XD
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
-local GMT- GMT: 0
-Game experience (months)- i only play for 2 weeks but i think im good and i would like your opinion watching me playing.
-Game experience in Wushu (months)- 1 week
-hobby (job?)- student
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan- im a funny guy and i love wushu and for what i know this is the best clan on wushu and a good clan to improve and have fun
country: Portugal
i wait for an awser as soon as possible.
Last edited by iCoon; Mar 21, 2011 at 01:52 AM.
Age: 16
Sex: Male
GMT +1
Belt: Black (1 year ago i had 6th dan)
Exp. 15-16 month
Exp. wushu 3 month
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm good in parkour/freeruning, and very good in aikido-i beat so much masters/custom belt in aikido
I like your clan you are so good,my clan history(all acc): [KiLa], [PD] and [BoT]
my in-game activity: every day, average 4 hours
Thx for answer. Swix
I L0V3 Aikido and P4RK0UR
-Game experience (months):6
-Game experience in Wushu (months)4
-hobby (job?)play toribash
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan ;)I'm from mexico I have 16 years in high school and I futball game xD AND I ENTER THIS CLAN FOR YOU give you a lot

In addition: 3 replays in Wushu mod and one in any fashion. Replays needs to be good named (not as 67465317, asdlugsd, qwerty and so on)
Attached Files
break.rpl (16.6 KB, 5 views)
borjon hyper.rpl (198.6 KB, 7 views)
head pass.rpl (552.2 KB, 5 views)
-Age: 12
-Sex: Male
-local GMT: +7
-Game experience (months): 11 months
-Game experience in Wushu (months): 1 month
-hobby (job?) Reading, Playing, Studying, Play Soccer
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan ;)

Hey, my name is Faridzky Adhi Baskara, u can call me Faridz. I'm 12 years old. I live in Indonesia, but now i stay in Bangkok. I already play toribash for 11 Months.
I like this clan because:
- The clan name is looking good
- I like the clan name
- I believe The Leader of this clan is wise, fair, kind, not arrogant.
- I'll do my best in this clan

Clan: Inner Calm Outer Fury


@Sirss, why did you leave Prodigy - the clan where you was Co-Ldr, huh?? Or you didn't?
My eyes seek reality...
Ну вобщем так мой ник в игре 1frozen1 в торибаш играю около 5месяцев.В клан хочу вступить потому,что очень хорошие люди "тута" мне 14 лет освоеные моды aikido,aikidobigdogo,whusu и в во всё остальное по немногу)) Ааа еще ранинг) мой пояс 2dan black belt недавно за 1.5часов выграл 5турниров подряд в айкидо) В жизни бегаю,хожу на плавание учусь в школе) раньше ходил на бокс,но щас забросил(почему сам незнаю).Но вот вообщем и все) кстати нубские приемы не использую) в кланах раньше не был,мол, пояс был мал теперь вроде ок) В день в тори играю где-то 2-4часа) надеюсь меня примут.клан русский это меня радует!
В клан хочу вступить потому,что очень хорошие люди "тута"

Скажи а ты с кем нить из клана общался, чтобы делать такой вердикт?