Belt: 2nd dan
Favorite Mod: instagibfeet
Age: 14
Country: US
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: any
Do you get annoyed when losing?: nope
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: nope
Anything else you want us to know?: i might be a wee bit inactave because my dad is a freaken slave driver :P
Proud member of ORMO and [T]
belt: 2nd dan black belt
favorite mod:Wushu cus judo is too eazy
Country:south africa
TIME WE can play : idk honestly its like 11pm now im blunt stroked
and no i do not make fun of ppl when they lose we all loose sooner or later
and yes i do get anoyd only if i lose a limb if some 1 gets lucky and i dq lol
and im quite a awsome fighter i dont mean to brag but i enjoy the game and love good friends thats about it
Belt: Blackbelt Close to 2nd dan.
Favorite Mod:Wushu
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:Anytime
Do you get annoyed when losing?:Heck nah.
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: No.
Anything else you want us to know?: Jcgrey2 and Namcoboy ( DarkSeraph) Refered me and I have friends in this clan and Its awesome and I love wushu, and the people in your clan rawks.

Thanks, Tortle.
Last edited by tortele; Aug 5, 2008 at 04:16 AM.
ayylmaos are real
Guys, after you have posted your apps, go straight to the Predator clan server to be tested, someone should be there. Well, 3.4 has come out and the clan servers are gone, so to get to our new server type /jo predator or I think it is number 30 on the list.
Last edited by Pawned; Aug 6, 2008 at 10:02 AM.
Belt:yellow (3 away from orange)
Favorite Mod:joust
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:any time unless there is school that day P.S. school for me starts august 25
Do you get annoyed when losing?: not really
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: only when they really get pwned i mean i dont think this clan would be called predators if we were nice to everybody
Last edited by jordanal1; Aug 6, 2008 at 07:30 AM.
Belt:------- 4th Dan
Favorite Mod: -------instagibfeet i guess :/
Age: -------17 this month :3
Country: -----Amuricah
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: ------Anytime is good for me babe.
Do you get annoyed when losing?:------ Only if i lose to Patz >_<
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:------ YEAH! I mean uhh no.
Anything else you want us to know?: ------I love you all and i hope we can sex sometime.
Originally Posted by Pawned View Post
UPDATE: Predator now accepts any belt, but keep in mind that you must beat one of our senior members in first to 5 in classic to join.

quotin dis.
Good lord tell me it is not 10-120 because that clock kills me :/ I play wushu and long judo

Edit - Just realized i double posted Ma bad