Gather 'round children, its story time.

I do not know exactly how they came to be, but I have heard Legends.
- EmoTeal

Before us there was chaos. Gangs ruled the streets, people were afraid to leave their houses. The harsh and unmeasurable amount of fear forged a cruel world to live in. But every cloud has a silver lining. People learned to defend themselves, to cope with the inevitable death around them, to never trust anyone. Vigilantes were born. We formed an alliance called the Sons of Anarchy. We would change how this Hell on Earth was run.

It was late at night in a rainforest slightly west of our camp site. Our leader, L3rk, had heard a rivaling clan passing through and decided to investigate. He rounded up a couple of the Sons and headed out. They walked around for a few hours, investigating and tracking. I don't know what happened next.. All I remember is a human--no. It couldn't be human. Something charged at one of the Sons and jumped right through his chest, splitting him in half...
We were scared. L3rk held his composure. He was in battle mode now. He pulled out a pair of daggers sheathed on his side and prepared to fight.
We were surrounded by a small army of... Things. Half of the Sons ran away, left the clan entirely. But L3rk stayed strong. We fought for hours... These things were strong and fast... But we defeated them. When we walked out of the forest that day, we were more than Sons of Anarchy. We were mythical, we were larger than life... We were Legendary.

People started flocking towards us, wanting to join our clan. Most were turned away, and few were accepted. We're more than a clan. We're a family.

Through blood and honor, we stand tough, marching through everyday like it's our last.
emo your was my fav because out of context its completly wat happened to legendary before iw was even here 10/10 my goog friend i vote for yours