Nope to Guitarist. Don't like your attitude on skill.
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
Join date: I made an single player account sometime in 08 then started playing Mp This

morning. I am working on my rank and belt. Right now I got my rank in the 8000's and it

is going lower as I play.

Belt: I am a white belt at the moment but I will work all day and possibly night for the

next couple months to build up my belt. The reason being, I recently tore my ACL, this

forces me to be in a machine that bends and extends my knee so I can be able to walk

again. So I am stuck on my lab top for a really long time.

References: I do not know anybody. I am a social person but will not go looking for friends.
My main goal is to be the best at the game so I could careless about being

liked or disliked.

Dexter-Sigma Tk
Dexter-Sigma Tk #2

Favourite mod: I don't have a favorite mod. I am looking to get good at all of them.

Right now I am practicing Tk this is the mod you will most likely see me playing but I do

Occasionally play wushu and aikido.

Why you wish to join: I want to join this clan because you guys are more serious then

most. I like how you guys are respectful. I like that you guys have built the rep of being

one the top clans. I want to have the feeling that because I am in such a respected clan

when I enter a server I don't have to deal with pro's acting like they don't know how to

play. I want to join because I want to have people I can trust and who will be there for

support if something tends to happen.

Why we sould let you join
: I am a skilled person with a great personality. I am hardly

ever disrespectful. I feel the need to be honest to people.

I will not bend the truth in order for some of my words not to sound harsh. I am a hard

working player that does not mess around when things get serious but will have a sense of

humor when needed.

Do you have access to IRC?: I do not know of any legit clients. Right now my

connection is horrible and will not let me use webchat.
Past history
: I applied for adventure a hour ago but saw that it was not worth it to wait on

newly official clan with members who tend to spam and insult others.

Optional: These are not necessary to tell us. However they might help your chances if you tell the truth.

Real life Name: My name is Dexter.
Past positions of power: I was super admin for a different forum.
Other: I would like to tell you guys any other stuff about me after accepted.
Last edited by Dexters; Jun 7, 2011 at 03:49 AM.
Dexters, If I may ask, have you had any previous accounts? Or, have siblings or family members who have played in your household?

This would be the reason I wonder.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I understand the long ass fucking log in history.

I have siblings.

The reason I did not state that is because no one ever believes me cause I have no proof.
My answer is no.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
List all of your alts and I may consider changing my vote.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars