At first, State you read the rules and you accept all of them: I have read and agree to all the rules.

State what mods you can play: aikido, tk, wushu, judo, kickboxing, etc...

State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan): 3rd dan. I understand the at least 7th dan rule may stop me from entering, but you've let in many lower dan belts earlier, Erth, for example, and I thought I should at least apply.

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: Jolly has been my goal since day one. I created my own clan and saw Jolly on the forums. Liking pirates, I decided to check it out. I was pretty awe-stricken.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: Amatsumi (my own clan), VorteX, Adventure, eVo, and just now HIT.

State why you left that clan: Amatsumi died, I was the only one left who played. VorteX was a short period where I was assisting a friend in building the base back. Adventure was only to help Silco and Wafflez get it official. I left eVo due to personal reasons (I left the game to be exact), but came back to the game later. Instead of applying for eVo again (as Trip said I always had a spot open there), I went to my friend Muur's clan. I just now decided to leave, and apply for Jolly. So here I am

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts): MacWhiskers

State what happened to those accounts: It was a friends account, he and I shared it. I dont know if it ever even posted on the forum.

State if you have bought Qi: Nope.

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account: Nada.

State past infractions/bans: I got a one day ban at one point in time for attempting to set up a match on the forums. This was a while ago, before I knew the rules, really.

State your timezone: -6

State your age: 15

Forum activity: ~7/8

In game activity: ~6/7

Vouchers: Erth, Hippybob, Zalmoxis

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that): Sadly, no

Some replays: Attached

And finally state something about yourself,that you would like us to know: I'm a pretty laid back guy, and I bet I could fit in here perfectly.

Not sure what all to add replay wise, so request a mod if you want to see my skills. My best mod is aikido, by the way, but I'm pretty well rounded, I believe.

Here's the thread for my leaving eVo if you want to read it:
Attached Files
#Dray aikido 3.rpl (62.7 KB, 4 views)
#Dray aikido 7.rpl (62.7 KB, 3 views)
TRIP~~First TK match.rpl (74.0 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Zoro; Jul 21, 2011 at 06:51 AM.
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I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
remind me of me ;o

*left own clan, wanted to do dis shit since beggining, etc.* lemme play you ingame huh?
if erth,hippywhore, and zalmoxis invited you you must be something special huh?
also, finally a hoe with close to my timezone .-.

if you wanna play me im waiting in a room called "sex" its my room im always in, though mostly afk
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
We didn't invite him, he just knows us :P

Also Zoro it seems like you've been a bit clan hoppery. I like you but I dunno, havent seen you in a while

Just hang around with us ingame, join our servers, and if we feel like you're family, you should get in =D With that said we kind of have 'too many' members and we aren't too eager to get new members so all I can really say is: Impress us. =D
Well personally I vote yes on him. He's a really nice guy, I've known him since I was in Essence and got accepted in TA ( I think zoro is now the leader of TA ) and I know that he's pretty good ingame. Imo he's got good chances of getting in.

Btw what belt was your other account?
I don't know you zoro,but if you passed Trip selection you must be good for sure.
Anyway i'll go soon to holiday,so i will not have the possibility to play with you before than end August(so i think others will decide about you,even if is probabily that it will take even more than 1 month)

From the moment is already the second time that someone put Erth like example of low belts:Erth had previous accounts,he's a tk god,he isn't in our clan just for case!;P
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