Originally Posted by Flames View Post

denied it was a pretty good app but in the council we unanimously decided no

Oh well, can't always win... Thanks anyways Flame.
Toribash? completed it mate

Hey there! I'm Tantoehard. I have a 10th dan and have been playing since 2014

By now I know you're already wondering about what I have to offer to wapow, and here are a few points that I can offer with a guarantee.

1. I am very forum active! (Atleast I lurk a lot) My low post count is because I am usually only active on the clan thread)

2. Skill, I have more than 10.000 games of experience. And some of you guys might know me, and can guarantee that I will have plenty to offer in clan wars or other events.

3. Ingame activity! Something usually under rated, but still an useful attribute for anyone. I play atleast daily, and have no reason to stop doing that anytime soon

But there is ofcourse plenty more to discover during my trail time, and membership if I get accepted.

And going on about this so called "skill"
Most of my abilities lay within judofrac and aikido based mods, they also happen to be my favorite! But, I will never turn down a good match of beg_ballgore.tbm. Why would I?

I also atleast check my pm's multiple times per day, I guess that's also important?

And that was the brief summary.

Now how did I start playing Toribash?
A friend of me recommended it to me, as a challenge that I would never be able to play it due to its "complexity". And I was eager to prove my friend wrong, and thats basically how I started playing. Till my brown belt I had a lot of difficulty with it, it took till around the beginning of 2015 that I started playing with a slight idea with what I was doing in one mod. (Judofrac). And went on there till my 4th dan, and from there on also started to play aikido. At my 8th dan I managed to join Team Aikido (Before everyone just got accepted.) And I suppose my clan history is also something you guys might want to know, my first clan was (zF) until I realized it was DBZ related... (nooby times, brown belt).

My second clan was [Ascend] and stayed with them until I got kicked off for forum inactivity.

And my third and my last clan was [elite], I left them because however I was getting along with everyone. It didn't feel like the clan I would want to stay in, simply because the ingame activity was below my desired standard.
(Trust me, it's not that fun to play toribash when your clan mates are almost never online)

Now the bit where I say a bit about myself outside of toribash! (Boring am I right?)

I am a 17 year old guy from The Netherlands, North Holland to be more exact.
I just game sometimes for my entertainment, so I guess gaming would fall under one of my hobbies. Besides that I am a huge petrol head, I really love cars. Especially exotic high performance cars... or almost any Mercedes.
Besides that, I currently have tons of time on my hands. At the moment I am not competing in any sport IRL, but soon there might be a change in that as I'm thinking about learning Aikido.

I probably forgot a lot, but I think I got the necessary details done.

But if you have any questions, or concerns. Pm me, and I'll react quickly.

(PS: wopaw :^} )
Last edited by tantoehard; Mar 12, 2016 at 03:32 AM.
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy
Hello. My name is Evan and I'd like to join WAPOW.

I am an 11 year old boy from Canada, and I have 2 years experience in Toribash. I honestly have dedicated most of that time to realism, but lately have improved very very much in multiplayer. I play quite often, because, well, Toribash is addicting.

About Myself

Well, I'm an 11 year old boy from cold, cold Canada. I'm serious. It's either unbearably hot or bone-shatteringly cold. I go to school because I have to, not my decision, but y'know. I'm not in grade 5, I'm in grade 6 and haven't had my birthday, and either way, there's a stereotype about being a 11-13 year old, so don't jump to assumptions because of my age, 'aight? Okay, so onto hobbies and other things. I really enjoy drawing things, but my main problem is that if something doesn't turn out how I want it to, I scrap it. I also edit. I played baseball until this year, (I think that's how you word it :P) and don't know what sport/summer entertainment to do next. I've considered Paintball, Airsoft, and Fencing.


Mmkay, that's enough about me, don't ya think? Onto my Toribash life. My favorite mods are xspar.tbm and aikidobigdojo.tbm. I also know both Kozmonaut and Flames from previous encounters in Toribash, so we're friends. I am a replay maker, and I am striving to get better, so I can contribute to things like Clan Videos for people who can't/don't want to make replays for it.

What can I offer?

Well, I now make textures, and from what I've seen, in my opinion, the clan textures right now seem a tad outdated. I would, if accepted make them of course, free of charge. Hell, I'd pay you to let me make some :P. I am also an ABD player, and can definitely aid in alot of wars.

Other things/questions

Do you have Discord?
No. I will, however, most certainly get it if it means communication throughout the clan.

Do you have skype?
Yes. Smalldowns.

Do you have steam?
Yes. Smalldowns.

Are you going crazy because of Canadian bagged milk?
Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes.

Who are the people you know in the clan? How do you know them?
Well, I'll do this bullet-style.

Met in an aikido server, I believe. We made a private server and he seemed like a really chill guy, so I added him on steam.

We traded items. Hes demon wings for my joint textures. I added him on steam in case I wanted any other trades and we just because friends, y'know?

I parkoured with him. We don't really know eachother personally, but he is also, another really cool guy.

Well, that's it and that's all. I hope you enjoyed reading.


EDIT: Word
Last edited by Leanmarkie; Mar 12, 2016 at 02:02 PM.
well i got to say i vote yes for both apps :/ also a fellow candian leanmarkie, muggy hot and black flies vs the snowy and icy cold, no in between....whats spring? whats fall? we only have summer and winter here
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 12, 2016 at 06:20 AM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White