Going to start using Support a lot in ranked games as I found I have a real knack for carrying out the correct decisions, map awareness and zoning the enemy adc and support from the minions.

Also, can't wait for the teambuilder feature

Me and my friend swapped accounts for the day so he could play Shaco and I could play Orianna. For first time each champ I think we did well ^^
I want Orianna so bad now, I don't even play mid ever but god she is so <3

edit: I told the Kog'maw he had no chance as AD as he began to feed with Shen against Jinx, so I told him to go AP and use his R to check bushes. We did better after we got into some teamfights Ori ulti OP


New jungle camp getting added, support no longer just a ward-slave.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
If you want to see a more detailed list of changes:

Just my quick thoughts about the situation, so far... As a main support myself, I'm glad to see they're making all these changes to the support role. Hope to see more and more people to become interested in the role. Also nice to see that junglers are also getting some love... even though I don't play jungle as much.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Looks like only Jinx's early game is receiving a nerf

And it's just mana costs really, the only decent change is making her E cost 75 mana instead of 50, the W mana cost was changed by 5......
Jinx's list of changes on PBE so far:

Switcheroo ( Q ) - mini gun total attack speed lowered to 30/55/80/105/130 from 50/70/90/110/130%
Switcheroo ( Q ) cooldown now .9 from 1.
Zap (W) - base damage lowered to 10/60/110/160/210 from 30/75/120/165/210.
Zap (W)- mana cost increased to 50/60/70/80/90 from 45/55/65/75/85
Flame Chompers ( E ) - mana cost increased to 75 at all ranks from 50.

Her AS got a good early game nerf but her late ranks remains pretty much the same. The same stands for her base damage on W... Ratio of 1.4 AD stands the same (1.0 AD, riot pls). The mana costs on W are still laughable. After all the abilities, E is now the first to be balanced out.

That means you actually put a Jinx to misery if you abuse her early game... Neat!
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I bought Sona and I can't even use her well T_T
Help meh

Get wards.
Get Q.
Harass your opponent with Q's + Passive (on every 3rd spell you cast, the next basic attack will include an additional effect based on the last spell you casted) and try to get a good amount of basic attacks as well.
Skill Order: Upgrade Q and W. You don't need to learn E until you are like level 8. Get your ultimate at 6.Your ultimate is good for both disengage and engagement... use it properly.
At teamfights, use your ultimate as hard initiation if your team lacks that type of initation. This can be achieved when your team is in position and you see that the enemy team is kinda stacked. A flash + ultimate combo is able to catch the enemy in surprise most of the times. You can also use your ultimate in order to peel off for your carry... Your ultimate will provide some time so your carry can get a better position and continue to provide the damages safely. After ultimate (if used offensively), you just need to expertly press all buttons while using your support actives.

And that's how you play Sona. Bought her a really while ago when she was on-sale with my initial 400 RP and to this day, I'm a very happy cat.
Last edited by Hayz; Oct 24, 2013 at 08:41 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~