Originally Posted by Hayz View Post

I have a problem and that problem consists of indecision when the time to purchase a champion comes. So I usually ask for people's opinion that will help me to see the champions themselves from another perspective and possibly set my mind towards a direction.
So I came here for some guidance.

This time, I'm buying an ADC (Marksman if you prefer the term) and I'm stuck between three champions.

Graves: Some resistance from his passive, nice burst with Q and Ulti, gap-closer with nice AS steroid, decent slow and vision removal.

Varus: That range on Q doe, does magic damage equal to % target max HP, decent aoe slow and wrecking Ulti if casted right on a teamfight.

Jinx: Yeah. I'm aware of her damage being ridiculous as it is right now. But people keep telling me she's actually quite fun and her kit...quite interesting, to say the least. I'm also afraid that I have been sucked into the Jinx hype and that's why she's probably on this list.

Any enlightment for who should I go for it's appreciated.
I'll make sure to leave my feedback whenever I get it

Out of them, Varus is my favorite. He's pretty fun to use. Jinx is really strong right now, and Graves has always been up there.
Graves range is too short for my liking, so he gets punished for poking, Varus is good at poking and overall pretty fun to play, and I think Jinx will receive the nerf hammer after a little while, but that doesn't mean it will make her bad.
Just not OP.

Pick who's abilities you like best though, that's generally the way you should pick a champion xP
Kassadin's getting nerfed without a doubt. Maybe not in this upcoming patch but soon enough. Just too much burst and mobility and the fact of being an anti-caster. Also 85% of ban rate in rankeds, yo.

Also, change to Zed's ult:

One of my mains is Zed and I actually really like this change instead of the usual tweaking of base damages and ratios (they're fine, really) because your ultimate is now used for escape and not actually to burst down the target. Now requires that you spawn your W and therefore freely locate the shadow (not only behind your target) in order to achieve better plays. Also you're now untargetable for longer (0.32 secs to 0.75 secs if I'm not mistaken)! So other players have some time to react whenever they get ninja'd by his ultimate but also gives a window of plays to Zed players themselves.
Last edited by Hayz; Oct 17, 2013 at 02:39 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
That change literally does nothing except automate zed's escape. Instead of having to W back, now I have to put my W behind the enemy to get my full burst down.
Gold 1 74 points. I can smell platinum. What's everyone's thoughts on the viability of akali? I feel like she is actually
pretty damn strong still after all the nerfs she has received. Also, she is only going to get more popular in my opinion
now that all of these other assassin mids are getting nerfed or even just the fact that they are getting banned. Any thoughts?
My thoughts are:
The Snowball is too stronk!!

I have enough IP to buy Akali (4596) but I never considered buying her xP
Maybe I will now I remember she exists
Akali was actually one of my first champions and she was the one to make me realise how much I fucking love assassins in this game.
She's quite weak pre-6... especially if you're against a caster or mage. Your Q harass doesn't do a lot cause it only hurts if you pop the mark. You just pretty much limited to farm cause you rarely gonna win trades... Unless your opponent underestimates your damage at melee range. Don't take unnecessary damage. Akali might have sustain from her passive but not that a lot to begin with... Only starts to become decent when you get hextech revolver.

Pro-6, you win trades fair more easily and even do good chunks of damage if you catch your opponent in a bad spot. Hard CC screws you hard however. You need to roam... a lot. Especially bot lane.

And that's pretty much that... Teamfights, you do what every assassin does... Wait for a chance to go in, do awesome burst, blow up with their carry, kill any squishies and GG no re.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~