I got drank on copious amounts of vodka and rum.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Originally Posted by Phillip View Post
All these russians are starting to bother me as well.
And, a clan named USSR. Why are most russians still communists, and can't get over what happened in the past? Also, yay for 2/3 of the russian population being alcoholics like in this picture v

What 2/3 of all russians look like.

No offense, Russia.
Of course, there are MANY exceptions, and 1/3 of the whole population is normal and somewhat healthy.

you're an idiot
Originally Posted by Vodka View Post
That was 12 minutes of ''wat?'' and ''heh''. Y U NO TALK MUCH DILLY?

Yeah, I had a reason for that. Couldn't talk that much because my little brother was sleeping earlier than usual. We recorded for like an hour so the other episodes I will be more louder.
Originally Posted by siku View Post
you're an idiot

I didn't make this up, you know. I know it well, as my country is near Russia and we quite dislike each other, we have some Russians left in our country from the times when we were occupied. Now our society is separated in two parts - Latvians and Russians(minorities). We are very different, so we have some complications getting together, but we try to help them fit in.

You can call me an idiot all you want, but that's what I've been told and I've observed myself.
David Moderated Message:
I don't mean to boast, but I'm a god.
Oh dang it, Phillip got banned

Ban reason: ''Tolerance is a virtue. Practice it.''
We'll hear more about it tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Oh dang it, Phillip got banned

Ban reason: ''Tolerance is a virtue. Practice it.''
We'll hear more about it tomorrow.

He deserved it, what he said is honestly stereotypical and idiotic. Didn't think he was that narrow-minded and stupid.
what am i doing here
He isn't. Not usually, anyway. I already spoke to him about the topic shortly after he posted it.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
My friend is Jewish and Russian. This story will half-prove russia's drunkenness.
My friend was at a wedding when he was 4, and he wanted a glass of water. He found a big tall glass of Traditional hard russian vodka, meant for the toast. He filled his cup, guzzled it back, and fell on his face, wasted. We still laugh about it.
<Bubbyzane> As a 16 year old, Canadian, cKy fan, and a gamer, I can honestly say I know the exact definition of cool.