Originally Posted by Lexxar View Post
fuck this man this is why i left cuz people hate me i will not allow a war between us sorry but your strongwer than us put it simple your stronger than us so.... also you guys didnt want me so yeah also its just a game get over it its not as if i shot one of you geez...
also i when i left i didnt think that you'd fucking blow me a new cunt hole i just bloody left cuz of exactly this.... you guys are hostile im sorry but i cant be in a clan woth such a serious and hostile nature

No body is "hostile" towards you, we simply can't trust you anymore though... First you keep begging your way into the secret board, then you try to bribe your way into it, after that you leave, and the second you come back you talk about how there's people here that don't want you here and again, the second that's cleared up, you decide to try to beg and bribe you way into the secret board again, and then you leave for another clan.

Not to mention this pisses us off (especially the ones of us who are actually trying to WORK our way into the board) But your also constantly bragging about how loyal you are to our clan.

SO, if I were you, I would get the hell out of our forum, before you really make the mods mad.
Last edited by FrinJeka; Jun 21, 2012 at 01:18 AM.
{RSO} [Ele]
exactly Frin ive been hear for YEARS and i just got into the board it is no way fair for lexx to just be able to bribe his way in. Also LAPTOP IS FIXED .
Hey guys, found a computer to check in on the forums
Anyways, wanted to let you guys know that I've been reppin' Element pretty well. Recently I won 2 GM Tourneys and I was in a server where someone was recording for YouTube and I got a few decaps. He said he would add it to the video and post it later on.