Eh. Like I applied, and I posted my things, I gave it my all, and unfortunatley that wasnt good enough for now. So I descided to join up with my brother until I get better. It was fun guys.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
man, they had never totally rejected you, just asked for summor.

im impressed that u used "i gave it my all" as a statement in your leaving message. most people would probly put some gay shit like "but you guys suck", or "most of you dont LIKE me". dont gib up, NEBer surrender
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Crisdar View Post
sahee... u are the society

you learn well crisdar

and hxc rather disappointed, o well i guess when your master belt brother (hxc is related to exbattle) offers you a clan place you take it, family love and shiz.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
cris ;) when people like hxc who make quite odd decisions, and change their mind in the last fkn(bleep*) second, you can't rly hope much from them ;) thats probably why wont bother
But why's the rum gone? :v
Damn vamees. You're one hopeless motherf(bleep*) ! you gotta trust in the people more :P.

Anyway, he just had to do something RIGHT NOW. And his brother's clan's doors were opened so he went straight there. Didn't troll this thread on his way out, cause why? Besides, he considers comming back, so why shitting in a sandwich he'd probably like to eat later?

You kinda rushed too much, mister, and I expect you to slow down if you're to get into RA. That's about main thing that bothered me about you. Other things are rather acceptable, though you'd have to get some help in not double posting, using some grammar if that's your primary language etc. All those tihngs aren't that important tho as is the small problem with attitude, that not everyone sees how it evolves. If you want things NOW! Right now ("or else..." - for example - "...I'll go somewhere else"), then I don't really feel comfortable in letting somebody join at a pace that guy forces me to do. Hold up, dog! Smell the flowers and drop the attitude for a moment :P.

"hi, can I join? No? Yes? No? Ok I'm going. Will be back bye bye!"
*while sahee is still halfway opening his mouth to say something*

So if you just waited, and calmed the fuck down - that's what i wanted of you, sir - and listen, rather than take out your every single emotion, you'd be totally more successful. Maybe you'd get in by now, maybe you'd get in in a couple of days. Yea. So being edgy like a heroine junkie doesn't always pay:P!

If you consider bugging me again about joining, make sure, you give me some space and respect me enough to let me make my decisions in time I see fit. Yes, I'm one proud sunovabitch, and nobody really should push me to do anything, and expect me to do it straight away :P!
Learn :P. And immie some personal space (or time) too, sometimes. Yo';)
Last edited by Sahee; Mar 6, 2009 at 08:21 PM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Im just really hyper rofl
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Hey guys. Most of you probably remember me and the shit I caused when I left 6-8 months ago. Since then I've matured alot and Sahee and I are tight again. Anyway, I have some friends from back in the day here and I'm interested in joining back up. I'll look forward to a response. ;)

EDIT: Okay guys, I've been talking to sahee on MSN...I realize I have a bit of a reputation here. But just let me say that I know what I did to you guys was inexcusable. I have matured quite a bit since then though, and I really hope we can move past that, because I really do love this clan.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Mar 7, 2009 at 01:42 AM.
Originally Posted by hidingwarior View Post
EDIT: Okay guys, I've been talking to sahee on MSN...I realize I have a bit of a reputation here. But just let me say that I know what I did to you guys was inexcusable. I have matured quite a bit since then though, and I really hope we can move past that, because I really do love this clan.

I am new to the clan and all that, but from everything I have seen of hiding he is a good dude and should be allowed back in, imo. (Even if he does have crazy views on certain political cartoons ) He is active, he seems generally ok.

I vote Yar.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I have no problem with hiding joining back. He does seem to be mature and cool. And if the conflict between you and Sahee has resolved, I see no reason why you can't join back again ;)

I vote yeys.
[A L P H A]
Im stalking your threads :o
I had to post, I just laughed so hard!
so why shitting in a sandwich he'd probably like to eat later?

But, Schec, Join wushu4fun
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