As of now, applicants to [NO] must (unless told otherwise) submit an essay according to the following prompt:

Describe the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) and its legal and ethical implications. Discuss especially the nature of "strong" AI and how the development of such would affect our conceptions of "life" and morality.

Your discussion should be at least eight pages long in standard 11 or 12-point double-spaced font, and should include references to prior research and literature.

With no intention of joining, I'm going to do this. What size would you like the margins to be? In addition, am I allowed to stray from the topic a bit?
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Describe the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) and its legal and ethical implications. Discuss especially the nature of "strong" AI and how the development of such would affect our conceptions of "life" and morality.

My thoughts on Artificial Intelligence,

Thesis One: Penis. Penis. Penis.

Truthfully I think I applied a long time ago but i quit for a bit with college being college and such and I was rejected miserably, anyways I'm 19, i smoke weed, and i play toribash occasionally. Not trying to be a super crazy active member ill be honest but i will pop in from time to time or whatever... I do love burly men and I hear this is the place to find such a thing... if thats the case my doors is always open, except when its closed
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
I know who you're talking about. I think it was someone else, though - ATD doesn't seem to fit the bill.
collect snots from the nose
Yeah I don't do textures, I make flames though when I have the TC, learned from Tinerr.. but alright thanks though!
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Not trying to linger, you can crucify me if you must but it was AHD that did textures lol he was actually decent aswell..
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me