Originally Posted by KenGee View Post
Quinns so op in lane but other than that she sucks dick. I'm so close to gold.

Outside of lane she's a fantastic duelist and split pusher. She is okay in teamfights, and if she lands an AoE blind onto 2+ people that use auto's for damage then its pretty much GG you win teamfight if you can follow up on the blind.

Once you get GA, you can basically initiate fights with birdmon.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by KenGee View Post
Quinns so op in lane but other than that she sucks dick. I'm so close to gold.

Come over here and say that to my face!!!

Nobody talks like that about my baby! Too bad it was only a normal game, but still felt good.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Quinn is a strong fighter but she loses her effectiveness lategame cause she can't ult for DPS in a team fight.
Her ult doesn't even give that much of a dps boost, it's just an attack speed buff at the expense of her passive bird procs and the ability to knockback with her e. I'd rather have the bird procs and knockback tbh. The ult is a decent aoe execute, not on the levels of riven's, but much easier to aim.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
What did you use to get that instant capture?

F12, you can then see it in the screenshots folder in your lol directory.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Thanks, I'll have to change that button though I guess, laptops fn key. Meh.
I want to try get near the top of my league today so I can perhaps start promo series tomorrow
Looking for an adc for a ranked team. All high silver or gold so far.
Top - Gold 4
Mid - Gold 1
Jungler - Silver 3
Support - Silver 2

We're going to get placed in s3, and then see what happens from there. If anyone's interested, let me know through pm.
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
Looking for an adc for a ranked team. All high silver or gold so far.
Top - Gold 4
Mid - Gold 1
Jungler - Silver 3
Support - Silver 2

We're going to get placed in s3, and then see what happens from there. If anyone's interested, let me know through pm.

If you all transfer to OCE then I'll AD for you.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA