hahahah. you thought you could get in with one line, we both told you to read other peoples apps, didn't listen at all, plus you are super rude in game. sorry you just lost my vote
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Good afternoon WAPOW, My name is Cameron. I want to join WAPOW because I like to challenge myself by fighting strong opponents. So I decided that I want to join WAPOW. WAPOW is a type of clan that never gives up so quickly. But enough of talking about Toribash for now, let's talk about myself.
My name is Cameron Jenkins, im 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. I go to a middle school that have a lot of kids, but the school have the boys and girls separated. Some of our scholars be on the news and the newspaper. I live in Charleston, South Carolina. I love to play games and spend time with my family and friends. I'm trying to understand my Spanish class and my Social Studies class. It still difficult for me to pass those classes, but i'm working hard to go to high school and make my family proud. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a scientist when I grow up. I'm trying to make that dream to a reality.
Now with my Toribash experience.
I have been playing Toribash for a year now. I got the hang of playing Toribash now, because all I do when I get home, I go straight to my computer and play Toribash till I have to go to sleep. The first time I played Toribash is when I was looking at a Markiplier's videos and I saw a Toribash video. Since that day, I wanted to spread Toribash with my friends and family. If it wasn't for that video that I watched, I won't be here, playing this game now. My favorite mod to play on is AikidoBigDoJo, Boxshu Mushu, greykido, Aikido, and Mushu. I started Mushu yesterday, i still getting the hang of it. When a PM be sent to me, I don't read it till I finish playing Toribash or when I be on the market to buy something, I just see it there. If that PM was a person that want to hack me, I would do the right thing and report him/her. To rap this whole paragraph of my experience of Toribash, i'm still have some minor problems, but I still can defend and win with those problems in my way.
Now for: the things I will provide for WAPOW. The things I would do for WAPOW is to do my best and don't let WAPOW down with my actions. I will overcome my problems to lead WAPOW to victory and when I lose or win against my opponents, I will be a good team player and say good things to them like: You are really good at this. At the start of a match, I will say Good luck to them and Say Good game to them when the match is over. I will also start to post things on the forums now, to get an idea of doing it.

I covered everything that I needed to say in my application.

My Skype: NoTme4DmbShT
And my Steam: XxJencam14xX
I hope everyone have a good night or a good morning when this come to yall.
Bye =)
I'm Back trash#1234
Jencam i do believe you were told to wait a few weeks because of you denied application, just some advice but ignoring us is not going to make your cause any more appealing.
Application 2 (Im pretty sure)
What do you have to offer WAPOW? I am going to offer to [WAPOW] fighting skills, making this clan EVEN MORE popular.

What's you favorite mod? My favourite mods are mushu, wushu, greykido, aikido. But my best mod that l like the most is mushu! (I am playing it right now)

How often do you play? I usually play every afternoon for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday an Friday. On the weekends I am playing most hours..So I am pretty active for a black belt.

Do you post regularly in forums? No not really but I will improve.

Do you check and respond to your PMs? Yes I will, except I dont know where the PM thingy ma giggy is..

Tell us about your Toribash experience. So my past experience on toribash would be winning agaisnt a master belt and a 10th dan (It was my lucky day lol) Winning a 1000 tourney. But I think thats about it..

Your real life is important too. Tell us about your skills, age, hobbies, sports, social groups etc. My name is Brodie and I am 15 my birthday was a couple of days ago. I am black belt and I have 400 games to go until second dan black belt.

We will usually take a few days to consider and then let you know.

- Questions please answer -

Do you have clan wars ? Answer -

Can I fight in them ? Answer -

Is this enough ? Answer -

Will I get accepted into the group? Answer -
Hope I get accepted

This is super long from my view because its in a box but it would actually be like 2 lines on the actual post lol

Bro out \(;w;)/
I am a good ABD player, also akido

Wushu or abd

When im not studying for school (4:00 NY time)

I plan to (figured out what it forums were last month)


I CO owned foxy for 3 weeks and warred luck 1 vs 2 and won

I plan to use discord

I buy and make rc cars, I lay hokey and im 11 and my name is Laine
<(Skyline)Dargito> This sandwich is juicy
<Obzut> kinky
Greetings members of Wapow, I’m NimbleThief and I would like to be a part of Wapow because the members are really nice, the clan has been around for so long and it is respected clan which is why I would love to be a member of it, also get to know you all a lot better. I played with Lamby816 and G99master, earlier this evening, they have a greater skill level than me of course, I don’t think I’m as good as I can be which is why I’ve started to play official mods more often against people that are hard to beat, I am determined to get better at this game. Also I’m from the UK (GMT +0).

About Me:

My name is Arjan, I am 17 years old [DOB(19/12/98 )] and 4th Dan Black belt, I live in Birmingham, West midlands and I go to college, The subjects I’m currently studying are Maths, Physics and Computer Science. The other games, I play aside from Toribash are League of Legends[EUW] and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I joined the community on 19th Feb 2013, and since then I’ve basically been on and off, I’ve come back now and decided to apply for Wapow after meeting a few of you in-game. My favourite mods are ABD, Mushu and Judo.


Judo was the mod I played the most when I started in 2013, until I learned that nobody liked Judo and always had people say ‘noob, opener’, ‘all you do is snapkick’ ‘why does judo exist’ stuff like that, so I decided to take a break and came back in November when I joined (nao) I think, they were still un-official after being rejected 7 times or something like that, during my time in that clan I learned that there is a market where you can get items a lot cheaper than the shop, which was amazing. After buying orc force and lax’s and getting really happy because I had saved tc I decided to make a troll thread ‘Ooooo 100k’ which resulted in a month or 2 ban, which is when I stopped playing again. That’s basically all I can remember until I came back again and joined (Bomb) when Sledgren was in charge, later on the clan died, Sledgren went to slumber and Lotramus revived it with the help from Krulls and Flames, however that was ages ago and probably is nothing but smug in their memory, which I’m ok with . My MOST recent past clans have been (Bomb), [Ae], (Ne) and (scrouge) although I don’t think that counts as a past clan I’ll just put it there so I don’t get in any trouble.


I’m a nice person in general, my friends tell me I’m a joker, troll this and that, it’s all banter really, I understand situations well so I can be serious when I need to be, I will be In-game every day to try and get better at other mods not just mushu/judo :3. This was my app hope you enjoyed reading it as I have enjoyed writing it. Hope to hear your responses soon!!!!11.

Skype: jakiller11 (comes up as Nimble Buk lu lu)

Last edited by NimbleThief; Mar 10, 2016 at 09:16 AM.