Originally Posted by LonelyMonkey View Post
So like, are we dead? Or just all inactive like me

Lil bit of both
Power metal is my life.
Hey everypony,
I'm sorry i haven't been posting lately, i have been doing some school projects and such.
Like signing up for clearance.
Also, i have been quite interested in DotA. And my friends asked me to play, for money, like a wager to who wins. Any tips?

Also, what's up?
3DS FC :4038-6911-2047
Pokemon Player. LoZ and other Nintendo shit. =]
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
I'm guessing, that thing didn't go well for you guys.

I'm not trying to start something, but you're like criticizing us every chance you get.

Oh, Btw, I'm active you guys.

School, Soccer, and other stuff takes up a shitload of my time.

I hope we're not dead/all inactive.
mindless machine
Here. Hello everyone.
I don't even mind what to do with renaming. Tell me.
^ω^ Kotyatki ║ OŁƉɅ ║ Ultimatum in my heart ║ ɅWSUM 8+ years ║ NɅƦKѠTIKI!
Hey guys! i was dead but i have been resurrected. im going to be on my phone on the forums hardly in game but yea. Also, im still in the member list but i dont have a clan tag or anything? was i kicked?
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten