
I am wiki, and I would like to join this clan, actually when i was still unable to play tb and still visiting the tb community forum a lot, this was one of the clans i wanted join and of course I didnt have computer back then so when i finally bought one I thought of joining but i wanted to experience on what being in one feels like, and yes many alts back 2007 and had to reach certain level of belt cause back then higher belts are required, its a shame that i didnt join evil back then cause i left toribash at 2016 and now that im back I wanted try and join this clan I believe i played against Goat, rcrichman and Aurelien91 very nice guys from time to time when they visited boxshu, In my spare time I do Ukebash but im a little stiff you guys can dm me for that and ill send it in discord and i mostly play boxshu now. and some of the guys here knows me from my previous name.

I hope this is the clan that i will stay for many years,

I am Evil

P.s im in Evil discord you guys are welcome to join.

thank you,
Last edited by Wiki; Jan 23, 2024 at 10:29 AM.
Henry: "You're using Wikipedia as your source of information?"
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
Accepted! Welcome Wiki!

Henry: "You're using Wikipedia as your source of information?"
Apophis application
Hello! My name is Apophis, previsouly known as XGESKYX. I am currently a custom belt and would like to join Evil.

My journey in toribash started in early 2012. I got introduced to the game by a friend and immediately got hooked. I played for about a year, played a bunch of wushu and joined my first clan, which I don't remember the name since it was a long time ago. It was just a small clan, however, I couldn't speak english at the time so I got kicked for lack of communication. Then after a few more months I completey stopped playing and took a seven year hiatus from Toribash.

I got back into the game in 2020, played for a bit and joined (shinobie). It was at that time I started to play boxshu. I quickly made friends with regular boxshu players and got invited to a new clan project called (Boxshu). I helped with the development and growth of the clan, made some textures for some members and got pretty good at it, became very competitive and played a lot of wars and perfected my technique. I had a great time and ever since boxshu is my main mod. We managed to reach rank 2 as a clan, and I would say rank 1 was simply not conceivable at the time, otherwise I reckon we would have achieved it.

The clan slowly became less active as members decided to move on from the game and eventually so did I. I took another shorter hiatus for several months. But Toribash is a very unique game and so I started missing it and again I decided to return, this time only playing somewhat casually. I joined and left a few other clans, including Envy. This leads to where I am currently.

I would like to join Evil because I am Evil, and like to war other clans. The player IAmGodNow and I want to war against other clans together as a duo. I think wiki can probably vouch for me.

I'm good at boxshu and lenshu, and I can make some textures and stuff. Honestly I'm not active in the forums, but I can do some forum stuff if necessary.

Last edited by Apophis; Feb 26, 2024 at 05:17 PM.
Hi, Apophis.

Evil is not necessarily known for doing a lot of clan wars, but if you are eager to battle in the name of Evil, I will gladly welcome you to our clan. I can give you rights to start clan wars, we will see how that works out. If you beat the other clans asses, a quick rise through the Evil ranks is in for you.
Welcome to the clan!
evil Führer of Evil
Hey there, I'm sprytryne.

Been playing on and off since '09 and got into it once more recently, though i've always been messing around sp. I played the game clanless for a long while, I'm not too sure why but it's starting to not be all too fun just going about on my own. Evil seems pretty dang cool, and I've been seeing some evil dudes play in some servers recently, so I figured it might be fun to join you guys. I am Evil. I can also make textures but I never really tried just hunkering down and actually making a set that I focus on. I mostly play Lenshu because noone plays tk anymore. I make replays too, but not as often as I used to.
Originally Posted by sprytryne View Post
Hey there, I'm sprytryne.

Been playing on and off since '09 and got into it once more recently, though i've always been messing around sp. I played the game clanless for a long while, I'm not too sure why but it's starting to not be all too fun just going about on my own. Evil seems pretty dang cool, and I've been seeing some evil dudes play in some servers recently, so I figured it might be fun to join you guys. I am Evil. I can also make textures but I never really tried just hunkering down and actually making a set that I focus on. I mostly play Lenshu because noone plays tk anymore. I make replays too, but not as often as I used to.

Not my job to say this but under discussion ;)Good luck
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
Hi, Apophis.

Evil is not necessarily known for doing a lot of clan wars, but if you are eager to battle in the name of Evil, I will gladly welcome you to our clan. I can give you rights to start clan wars, we will see how that works out. If you beat the other clans asses, a quick rise through the Evil ranks is in for you.
Welcome to the clan!

Thank you Oaky!
Originally Posted by sprytryne View Post
Hey there, I'm sprytryne.

Been playing on and off since '09 and got into it once more recently, though i've always been messing around sp. I played the game clanless for a long while, I'm not too sure why but it's starting to not be all too fun just going about on my own. Evil seems pretty dang cool, and I've been seeing some evil dudes play in some servers recently, so I figured it might be fun to join you guys. I am Evil. I can also make textures but I never really tried just hunkering down and actually making a set that I focus on. I mostly play Lenshu because noone plays tk anymore. I make replays too, but not as often as I used to.

Hi spry, thanks for the app. You're a yes from me, just gotta wait on the leaders.

Originally Posted by whaq View Post
Application form:
i am whaq, previsouly known as xEsop before i forgot the password. its not an alt its main
How i started play:
i started played in the analogue toribash mobile +-2013-2015, after i get a good pc i started toribash.
My current goal:
my current goal is be in a good clan, and be a custom belt. and try to get cool items/skin
best mod:
i like to play boxshu_mushu_v3 (you can test me if you think i random noob who want in a good clan.)
Clans that i been in:
i dont was in clans not counting: style of madness [S] i was in clan (in) inetria, and (dark) the dark brethren
Why i want to join:
i want to join cause im so evil, and a little bit tryharder. and i want to join. to get motivation to play and play for not being kicked or smth

I'll understand if it's rejected.
Have a nice day!

(Dys) is lucky to have you