Endurance Onslaught 6.0
A lich is meant to be an undead spellcasting warlord, the picture is alright but you could have shaded it completely differently, much darker too. As Hyde said, some parts of the lich look quite uneven, sharpening one bit but doing something something else in another section. I think symettry and art can be important. It's an alright artwork but if you're saying that you've done art for a while now, I don't think that was the best you could do.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
There's a difference between acting like a total cunt and constructive criticism, y'know?

I know. Why do act like a total cunt then?

Also, here's your objectivity going down the toilet:

You get a no from me regardless if you make a picasso out of the shitty WIP you posted.

About lighting... Please, stop embarrassing yourself. Anyone who has a brain and eyes can see how much you know about lighting just by looking that orange abomination you posted on the art thread. Come on! You can do better than that!

cozzakill: You never heard of focal points did you? Do you even know what that means? Let me help you. Close your eyes for 30 sec, then open it and look at that image. Then try really hard to remember where your eyes went first, than second, than third. How did they go from one spot to another? Can you draw me an 'eye path' on that image?

it's alright? I couldn't even do half of what he did!

Don't worry pal, they can't do it either.

Wanna prove me wrong? Just lash your best at me, and I'll do the same. Let's start all out art war! You post something (but it must start with a WIP image so we all know you are not doing your copy/paste shit from somewhere) than me, than you etc.
Until you finally decide you are totally beaten. XD
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''
just so you know Django, i actually liked you at the start, now you just sound like a wussy crybaby who couldn't get his way.

also, unless you can draw art like this, shut up PLEASE linky #1 (not mine btw, saw this then saw django's post, either way this is still awesome)

and here's their WIP's, plus what they did/how they did some certain things (also, you will see thay they hand drew everything there.)linky #2

now that you say your "better then everyone" and stuff, i won't even think about you till you can prove you can do better a better drawing then THAT.

oh, and while i'm here, here's my take on your three focal points (starts at the big dot.)


Last edited by Przero; Jan 23, 2013 at 08:30 AM.
I agree that hand-drawing something then transferring it into digital form is much better process. Doing stuff straight on tablet is unnatural (unless u have a Cintique).

Since you set me a challenge now tell me what do you want me to draw? I will use my free time to work on it many hours (not just a few like I did with Lich stuff), but I'm not doing it to hear false praises or critique from artists wannabees.

What will I get if I succeed?

Also, those are not focal points in that image, it's face, book(hand), sun, then the rest of the piece. Even Hyde found one and it bothered him enough to address it in his 'critique'.
And I'm not here to be liked. Beauty contest is on the other org.

EDIT: What I saw so far, only two people on the entire forum that are worth something in art are Freelancer and teterten. I'm yet to find some more...
Last edited by Django77; Jan 23, 2013 at 10:10 AM.
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''
GATA would be perfect place for you, Django. Don't ask me why if you won't guess it yourself ;-)

if anyone though 'cool!' about my shots, I will post some more tomorrow or later, as soon as my HDD comes back from recovery. It did not want to work after yesterday night and I gave it to my friend to his service. Hope he will recover all data :C
Originally Posted by Django77 View Post
cozzakill: You never heard of focal points did you? Do you even know what that means? Let me help you. Close your eyes for 30 sec, then open it and look at that image. Then try really hard to remember where your eyes went first, than second, than third. How did they go from one spot to another? Can you draw me an 'eye path' on that image?

Originally Posted by Django77 View Post

Also, those are not focal points in that image, it's face, book(hand), sun, then the rest of the piece. Even Hyde found one and it bothered him enough to address it in his 'critique'.
And I'm not here to be liked. Beauty contest is on the other org.

*cough* did that lol, i'm actually good at remembering that sort of stuff, and thats literally what drew my eye, then again, my eyes seem to focus more on smaller things then the larger, so that might be why.

Originally Posted by Django77
I agree that hand-drawing something then transferring it into digital form is much better process. Doing stuff straight on tablet is unnatural (unless u have a Cintique).

Since you set me a challenge now tell me what do you want me to draw? I will use my free time to work on it many hours (not just a few like I did with Lich stuff), but I'm not doing it to hear false praises or critique from artists wannabees.

What will I get if I succeed?

I think most people would agree with you, transferring a hand-drawing to digital does make it look better, but in some cases it (in my humble opinion of course) feels like it loses some of it's "integrity" as a hand-drawing, the reason why I like that one that I linked was because they didn't actually do anything asides from make it all fit together properly, no enhancements or anything like that, only joining up the three pieces of paper.

I never issued a contest, I'm just saying to prove yourself to what you claim to be able to do, but hell, if you want me to make it a contest, i'll make it so fucking hard you'll be sad. (already told other people (IRL friends) about it and they started... then gave up after 1-2 months), and hell, they said they would do it for $10AUS so that would be the prize xD but no, I'm not going to impose that drawing onto anyone else, I've already had 20 people rage at me for it being so hard :<.

On a side note before I continue with Django, I've finally done my first full body drawing, as soon as I get my scanner working i'll be uploading it.

NOW, last thing with Django. So you feel that Freelancer and teterten are the only artists on the forums that are worth something? Like i said previously
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
Also jango, i've basically only just started getting back into art, my old art was kinda horrendous so i stopped, then came back and started drawing what i draw now, also every now and then i think of some sort of weapon (bow, sword, stave, etc etc) and draw them, but i never post those because screw that.

If you want to see some of my current art (it's not all uploaded, hell, not even all of my drawings are uploaded, I don't like to upload too much), click on my signature pic, or if you really want to, click this link here.
I looked there. GATA's main thing are texture making for this game.

Yes, they do have some artist that do traditional stuff, but they are inactive. :/

There is one that is more interested in digital painting, Ezeth I think, and his creature designs are very good, also he is so close to define his style completely, but lacks some knowledge on anatomy. At least he's in the process of learning and is going in the right direction.

Idk. Maybe PS corp then?
I'm sure you would like me to go there after this horrifically bad start here. :s

I'll be glad to see all your stuff Przero. I admit I'm harsh with the critique, but honest. That's the only way to progress. Sulking will just make you do same mistakes over and over again.

As for the challenge, bring it on! I'm excited to do it. It's much more fun then making some stuff that is generic. I wan't a challenge! :3
If I fail you can laugh at me, as, I'm sure, you all want to by now. XD
Last edited by Django77; Jan 23, 2013 at 11:45 AM.
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''
I don't mind harsh critics, as long as I can understand where they are coming from, and what they are talking about. Hell, i'll even ask if I don't understand something, and just fyi, the challenge is impossible if you don't make "generic" things, as it involves a LOT of game characters, movie characters, your own idea of how some characters from books should look like etc etc. tbh, it's a project worth far more then $10 and thats exactly why I said I would never give it out to anyone else, because tbh, I can't really afford more then $10 because tertiary school costing $2200+ while I have a tiny little very little pay job kinda sucks.

EDIT: also just uploaded the full body drawing I did, I can kinda see I screwed the skirt so don't even bother going there D:.
Last edited by Przero; Jan 23, 2013 at 12:12 PM.
Sounds like something with much 'hunting for info and references' involved.
Now you got me interested.

What is it?! XD
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''