Originally Posted by Kore View Post
so when is tbn getting linked to neural connectors so we can control the tori by thinking?

We definitely need this
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With unity engine, everything is a model ( I'm assuming the body parts are being modelled and added in game because some shapes dont exist in the engine itself). So will you focus on visuals a little more? I've already seen the body parts are staying the same. But it is a new game and a higher performance engine. Would you consider making the character designs more realistic? They can even implement machine learning and neural networks to unity engine with muscle systems. Is it possible to have real muscles connected to each body part and controlling the movements. Or is it just gonna be a unity remake of the game?
Leon The Black
Originally Posted by IBlackleon View Post
With unity engine, everything is a model ( I'm assuming the body parts are being modelled and added in game because some shapes dont exist in the engine itself). So will you focus on visuals a little more? I've already seen the body parts are staying the same. But it is a new game and a higher performance engine. Would you consider making the character designs more realistic? They can even implement machine learning and neural networks to unity engine with muscle systems. Is it possible to have real muscles connected to each body part and controlling the movements. Or is it just gonna be a unity remake of the game?

If they do that, it'd be very much unrecognizable as to what the Devs call and want "Toribash" to be, a game like that, with realism and muscles and shit, would be a good and interesting game, but would be better off being made as a standalone rather than under the name Toribash. Not to mention making a game like that would require a much more larger Dev team, and longer time. Two things not suiting Nabi's plans currently.

With the engines new capabilities, visuals will be highly customizable and editable by the community, so creating vastly different base visuals as you suggest, would just be the wrong direction, at least right now. They give you a base clean slate, may seem familiar and bland right now but eventually cool objects, textures, and mods/models will be created by the community when the reigns are handed over.

right now the most focus should be on the quality of gameplay, because that is the foundation of the game. Regardless of what the aesthetics or visuals look like, the game needs to be fun, and play smoothly or it'll just be Hot shit, gold garbage.

Consider the OG Toribash as like a "Lite App" or a Beta, to what Toribash Next is, because Next technically it's just a polished, updated, Remake, to push the capabilities of the original Toribash now that the obstructions of the old engine are gone. it's like taking a styrofoam game (stiff, bland, restricted,) and changing it to clay game, (malleable, flexible, adaptable)
Last edited by matarika; Jan 22, 2019 at 04:15 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
The one thing I don't like are those annoying comic esq pop ups that happen when you dismember and I assume fracture and stuff. Hopefully there will be an option to turn that off
There will be!
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
I don't know if this has been answered, but, are flames going to work for both tb versions? Are there any plans to make them multiplatform or the forging will start from 0 with better variables and stuff?
"Q: Will Toribash mods work in Toribash Next?
A: Toribash Next won't support currently existing mods but modmakers will be given tools to make them compatible with the new engine."

So there will be a new modmaker, right?
I hope there will be some more moving objects and connections.
I mean more than present 16.
Although it's a new engine, so I realize that the whole modding mechanism may look a bit different.
Originally Posted by Kore View Post
so when is tbn getting linked to neural connectors so we can control the tori by thinking?

totally pointless thats if it is even possible.