fortunately i got gold before i even knew there was any reward to it, i figured it would be given for plat and up since gold last season is p much plat this season

gold this season is like all high mid silver players from last season

if i had known there were skins given out for getting gold this season i prolly wouldve been too nervous to queue lol
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
S3 awards:

persoanlly im annoyed, I work my ass off to get to diamond 1 earlier in the season (now im diamond 5 and im done with ranked), but I should ahve just stopped at gold. In fact I didnt even have to touch ranked all season cause I got put into like plat 2 at the start of the season.

Atleast you get dat shiny diamond border, summoner icon and buddy invite badge along with the ward and elise skin. I mean its not all bad. You're getting free stuff.

But I do have to agree that the rewards systems is pretty lackluster. No one has incentive to play ranked but when the rewards show up, everyone goes crazy and takes ranked serious now. On top of that, the rewards really stop after gold. The only rewards after that is different colored banners, icons and invite badge, which i mean its something new from last season.

I wish Riot would release some unique currency that you only get from ranked games that allowed you buy cosmetic items like item skins, ward skins, taunts, dances, etc. It would require a lot of effort on Riot's part but it would really make solo queue fun to play.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Atleast you get dat shiny diamond border, summoner icon and buddy invite badge along with the ward and elise skin. I mean its not all bad. You're getting free stuff.

But I do have to agree that the rewards systems is pretty lackluster. No one has incentive to play ranked but when the rewards show up, everyone goes crazy and takes ranked serious now. On top of that, the rewards really stop after gold. The only rewards after that is different colored banners, icons and invite badge, which i mean its something new from last season.

I wish Riot would release some unique currency that you only get from ranked games that allowed you buy cosmetic items like item skins, ward skins, taunts, dances, etc. It would require a lot of effort on Riot's part but it would really make solo queue fun to play.

Riot pls.


Edit: that went better than expected. 0/0/11 as jungle zac, enemy sona got rekked.
Last edited by Oracle; Aug 28, 2013 at 05:37 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games


Hi my name is hyde and I'm going to blame 5 deaths on Stellar cheating and killing me while I type.
Fucking garbage kid. Please for the love of god get some logical arguments. I literally had to leave the game because you were bitching so much.
So he talks shit about hush all game
I tab out to check what's going on
He kills me while i'm reading the irc/responding to him in chat and is like "hue ggwp lol"

Totally pro. So pro. And then he leaves the game the second I get botrk.
Rules that were stated
Don't leave lane (Going in brush is allowed COMMON LOGIC)
Don't go to other lanes
Don't jungle

How to win
Get first blood
Get first tower
Get 100 cs

And the fact that you tabbed out to the irc while in the middle of lane is totally logical right? Also "I was typing when you killed me" While you're spamming your ult. Totally legit right? I mean if I had a clue THAT YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING TABBED do you think I would've killed you? The fact that you were farming the lane makes one think otherwise. Can you explain how me killing you another four times was you in the irc? I'm dying to know.
Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Rules that were stated
Don't leave lane (Going in brush is allowed COMMON LOGIC)
You walked into the river and beyond multiple times to avoid getting hit by my W.
Don't go to other lanes
Don't jungle

How to win
You said this the second you got my first turret down. Never mentioned it in irc.
Get first blood
Get first tower
Get 100 cs

And the fact that you tabbed out to the irc while in the middle of lane is totally logical right? Also "I was typing when you killed me" While you're spamming your ult.

I'm unsure why you think using my ult twice to hit you under the turret then attempting to reply to your comments is "spamming" my ult.

Totally legit right? I mean if I had a clue THAT YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING TABBED do you think I would've killed you? The fact that you were farming the lane makes one think otherwise.

Afk in lane, take minion agro, champ aas the closest minion. In any case, I told you I was afterwards and you kept whining about hush and then repeating the same thing.

Can you explain how me killing you another four times was you in the irc? I'm dying to know.
>build early 400 gold lead as zed
>have full runepage vs. someone playing with only armor pen runes(9 total to be precise)
>ooh, I killed you 4 more times after your first death because my Q hit half of your hp bar, you suck, huehuehue
>I was reading Dr_Strangelove's comments the 2nd time
>You left the moment you saw I had botrk and claimed it was because you were tired of my bitching even though the only thing I said was "stfu faggot" because you wouldn't stop bitching about hush.


Clearly full ad right?

Clearly tabbed out right?

Please tell me more on how I cheated you out of that death.
I tabbed out when you were talking about hush "still going". I was responding to your endless spamming which is the reason I literally walk towards you without hitting you/popping barrier/anything for 2 seconds.

At that time, I was in the middle of typing "Dude, can you seriously just shut up for a second?" Because you were flooding the chat.
It shows the chat right there you fucking idiot.


You had to respond to "Fine" Really?

Asking for a free kill, because you were "typing"

The only typing you really did was either to be a douche, or complain that you died because you were typing. And from the videos shown, you weren't typing you were clearly farming/harassing

A two minute lapse from where I told you to stop coming up with excuses, and you responding. Totally legit