How much does Red Submarine and Bow Tie go for?
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"The beanie" is re-texturable one, there's basic black one too.

The beanies have been around 100-160k on market recently. So good value for it could be 65-85k

Single colored beanies been recently at 80-120k in market. So good value would be 40-65k

Currently bit low availability on market in beanies, so paying bit higher wouldn't be unreasonable atm.
tori team mech helmet? not asking for a friend
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Hi, I'm wondering the price of the next items:

Full 128 body
Full 128 joints
Shutter Shades

Thank you
Originally Posted by Mateo View Post
Hi, I'm wondering the price of the next items:

Full 128 body
Full 128 joints
Shutter Shades

Thank you

Around 15k for full body
Around 100-120k for full joints
Shutter shades around 8-12k
R.I.P Static
Sold one for 350k some months ago but it was a bargain. I would say the normal price would be around 450k
R.I.P Static