Hey [Parrot] Members

First of, I will introduce my self to you. I am 16 years old and my name in real life is Brodie. I am a white male and I live Australia (GMT +10) . I am a small but please don't judge.. I have nothing really special about me. I used to have skype but it crashes everytime I open it, I tried re-installing it but that didn't work. So your gonna have to chat with me on the forums (If you wanted to)

TB Experience

I am a black belt and my IQ is 1856.
I have 200 and something more games until second dan. The first mod I tried out when I began playing in 2014 was Judo. I honestly don't know why. I started being that person that doesn't talk at all and sucks at toribash. But now, I'm proud of what I can do (I don't think you would be though ._.). After I got used to the other mods like aikido and that, I got up to black belt. My first spar was when I was brown belt and it looked really cool, but sadly my replays went poof. My favorite mods are aikido, greykido, boxshu, mushu and sparring. But my favorite of all of them would be greykido. I can't replay make or anything because I don't know how to and I also cant do textures also because I don't know how to do it. I don't have a youtube channel. (This paragraph looked very big in the typing thingo)

Why I want to join [Parrot]

I want to join [Parrot] because you have very skilled players and 2 players with a crown beside their names that I know. And that's very cool. I want to have fun with you guys (Don't be wrong minded please) on the forums. I can play with you guys because I am on everyday, and I'm on late on Tuesday (Sport) and when I have homework and assignments. I am especially online on the weekends.

I hope you enjoyed my app, it was short but I think I got everything that is important. Also, Moop love your vids
Originally Posted by BROBRO221 View Post
Hey [Parrot] Members

First of, I will introduce my self to you. I am 16 years old and my name in real life is Brodie. I am a white male and I live Australia (GMT +10) . I am a small but please don't judge.. I have nothing really special about me. I used to have skype but it crashes everytime I open it, I tried re-installing it but that didn't work. So your gonna have to chat with me on the forums (If you wanted to)

TB Experience

I am a black belt and my IQ is 1856.
I have 200 and something more games until second dan. The first mod I tried out when I began playing in 2014 was Judo. I honestly don't know why. I started being that person that doesn't talk at all and sucks at toribash. But now, I'm proud of what I can do (I don't think you would be though ._.). After I got used to the other mods like aikido and that, I got up to black belt. My first spar was when I was brown belt and it looked really cool, but sadly my replays went poof. My favorite mods are aikido, greykido, boxshu, mushu and sparring. But my favorite of all of them would be greykido. I can't replay make or anything because I don't know how to and I also cant do textures also because I don't know how to do it. I don't have a youtube channel. (This paragraph looked very big in the typing thingo)

Why I want to join [Parrot]

I want to join [Parrot] because you have very skilled players and 2 players with a crown beside their names that I know. And that's very cool. I want to have fun with you guys (Don't be wrong minded please) on the forums. I can play with you guys because I am on everyday, and I'm on late on Tuesday (Sport) and when I have homework and assignments. I am especially online on the weekends.

I hope you enjoyed my app, it was short but I think I got everything that is important. Also, Moop love your vids

The biggest problem I really have with this App is it sounds like you're trying to kiss ass too hard :C
I don't really like when people "worship". We're all people and it's more about respect rather than OMG OMG OMG OMG you're cool

Biggest advice for anyone trying to join Parrot, earn respect within the Community and then apply or ask to join.
You don't have to be apart of our clan for us to play with you or even talk with you, but our clan is our family (no fucking homo)
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Jun 5, 2016 at 04:50 AM.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by liaxo View Post

wtf is wrong with americans
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Originally Posted by BROBRO221 View Post
Hey [Parrot] Members

First of, I will introduce my self to you. I am 16 years old and my name in real life is Brodie. I am a white male and I live Australia

Well you've clinched to vote of my racist brother Steven, but alas I stopped reading after this point. Gg tho

Went back and read, I don't think we can pass you up, we may have need of you.
Originally Posted by BROBRO221 View Post
I am a black belt and my IQ is 1856.

How enlightend
Last edited by AussieCunt; Jun 5, 2016 at 06:04 PM.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits