Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
secret ran notail on it a few times on 6.83
befor then though, was trash.

I'm pretty sure it was Zai.

He want blink dagon or something, made so much space for his team and took over the enemy jungle.
yeah, zai for sure. Zai is a brood player, iceiceice and bulldog. Pretty sure im missing someone. Bamboo too but i dont think hes relevant
hello, i want to try this moba, i tried it in the past but now i want to try it for real and put some time into it, i kinda know the base at all because i'm a lol player and i played a little bit of Hon, if someone got some tips or a good video about thing it would be appreciated (and i would love you foravar)
no u

Originally Posted by Kido View Post
hello, i want to try this moba, i tried it in the past but now i want to try it for real and put some time into it, i kinda know the base at all because i'm a lol player and i played a little bit of Hon, if someone got some tips or a good video about thing it would be appreciated (and i would love you foravar)

i think the link at the op would really help for starters.
Originally Posted by Laser View Post
I'm pretty sure it was Zai.

He want blink dagon or something, made so much space for his team and took over the enemy jungle.

im sure you're right, but i watched notail play it a few times befor zai joined secret.
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hay guys...

well i kinda want to get into Dota cause the LoL thing is goin to shitz, i was an quite above average player there and i just wanted to ask where i should get stardet if i want to start playin?

i tried it out some time ago and played sum with gurman but well idk. i know the technical stuff (farmin, denying) but i dont know how to stack camps or how to jungle at all in this game..

also i liked the way you aquired your hero's in LoL by buying them one by one so you can get used to them, how do i start out with that in dota? i know there are several modes where you get random hero's out of a pool but i rather dont end up with a totally random one.

i used to play assasinish or mageish hero's in LoL, idk if the playstyle is similar in dota but i would like to start with that out, i had a few looks at the hero's already but well they are just too many so i'd like to get sum suggestions, things i have in mind are bounty hunter, qoe aswell as puck (i love that guy, but holy he's so hard) i also have a favor for high skill cap guys... (pls no meepo)

tl,dr LoL veteran, how to jungle, who to play, how to not suck
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
stacking camps, you just need to make sure theyr outside of the spawn box at the end of the minute, so right click or draw agro at 53 seconds and run away, plenty of youtube videos for an exact representation, or just watch someone else do it.

if you dont want to random, you can try modes like Single Draft, gives you a choice of 3 heroes to play, so you have some choice atleast.

jungling, theres no real trick, some heroes are obviously better at it, but otherwise, just know your limits, manage your regen and try to keep yourself active on the map, ganging and pushing when necessary.

if you're looking to jungle, try doom out. he can devour creeps, gaining their spells or passives. his ulti is the scariest thing ever, silences you and mutes items. after that hes a normal fighting character, with a mediocre nuke and good sustain with his scorched earth or whatever its called.
lifestealer and natures prophet are also good in the jungle.

if you like assassin type heroes, riki, clinkz and bounty hunter all have windwalk.
Templar assassin with blink is great if you have good micro skills.

mage type heroes, leshrac is really popular atm, lina and zeus are always good choices if you're going for a mid or farming caster.
lion, disruptor or undying are good if you're looking to support.
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look from the windranger game onwards. random draft is currently my thing.

bloodseeker and lina are fun as hell, they're what i were looking for, im horrid at making builds, i either end up stacking aura items and be useless in fights or go full carry and kill lots o shitz.

i prefer hero's with a straight skill design, some have a bit of everything what i dislike (like the E from lich, wth) so i thought windranger and bloodseker are pretty good, lina aswell even due its unusual for me to attack so much with a caster thingy.

i stood away from jungling for now, no one does that anyways at the level im playing at. also im rather confused what i am supposed to do as support besides warding and zoning in lane.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
look from the windranger game onwards. random draft is currently my thing.

bloodseeker and lina are fun as hell, they're what i were looking for, im horrid at making builds, i either end up stacking aura items and be useless in fights or go full carry and kill lots o shitz.

i prefer hero's with a straight skill design, some have a bit of everything what i dislike (like the E from lich, wth) so i thought windranger and bloodseker are pretty good, lina aswell even due its unusual for me to attack so much with a caster thingy.

i stood away from jungling for now, no one does that anyways at the level im playing at. also im rather confused what i am supposed to do as support besides warding and zoning in lane.

jungling isn't really a thing in dota anyway. in league it's slightly mandatory.

windranger is pretty ok, practicing the usage of shackleshot takes some time but you'll get the hang of it after a couple of games. she's actually my 2nd favorite hero atm, i build slahser's way (aghs rush to daedalus) to maximize the usage of my ultimate.

and yeah, supporting is pretty much ward near the rune spot and baby sit your carry, but if someone is doing it, you roam around the map and gank other lanes. also carry a tp in case one of your allies are being ganked.
rofl, that jugg in your windranger game, how did he even?
windranger is good through all MMR brackets.

jungling is a thing, they just nerfed the jungle in the last patch though.

supports do everything that anyone else does, they just have lower farm priority, so theyr generally heroes that scale better without items.
cheaper items are mostly your focus aswell, urn, medalion, drums etc.
with the upgrades to mek and medallion though, supporting is alot more effective now.
glimmer cape is also super legit, the fade time on that shit wins fights.

once you start learning the heroes and stuff, you'll find that the more linear heroes arent as enjoyable as others.
they all have a rythm, just gotta get used to it.
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