Originally Posted by ToryDude View Post
ok i red the fucking rules.
now i can join -.-??

nope and its never gunna happen. You don't even have any proof that you did.

Originally Posted by markozs View Post
why the fuck i got kicked ??!!

ah yes the app thread this is the perfect place to ask about this. (sarcasm fyi)
And it was because you where inactive and didn't post in the activity check.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Originally Posted by ToryDude View Post
i will never be in this clan?

Well lets just say your chances are slim, your first impression was shit because you already said you didn't read the rules, when normally you should read both the standard forum rules and the Bleu board rules and provide the proof, just like everybody else. And the next few things you said weren't genius either tbh, normally you'd think you would just go and read the like 10 sentence rules, which would like....not kill you amirite? no need to fight city hall. :P
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Where do you live?(optional):Czech Republick
What belt are you?:Blue
Where do you want to improve?: In tricks (decaps etc.)
Favorite mods:swords and stuff like dat
Why do you want to join?:cause i want to join a clan, and as i see this clan is helping noobs like me... so i find this clan good
Have you read the rules?:not rly... xP
(sry for my bad english)
Originally Posted by rugall View Post
Where do you live?(optional):Czech Republick
What belt are you?:Blue
Where do you want to improve?: In tricks (decaps etc.)
Favorite mods:swords and stuff like dat
Why do you want to join?:cause i want to join a clan, and as i see this clan is helping noobs like me... so i find this clan good
Have you read the rules?:not rly... xP
(sry for my bad english)

Not really?
and how the fudge(and other pretty things) do you expect us to accept you?
Go get more posts... and of course read the rules
Last edited by AgentP; Apr 28, 2011 at 07:34 AM. Reason: a swears :>
◕ ‿‿ ◕
Where do you live?(optional):
What belt are you?:Green
Where do you want to improve?:Fighting techniques,How to reverse
Favorite mods:Aikido
Why do you want to join?:I want to be able to win tournaments and hopefully play against the best of the best.
Where do you live?(optional)hilipines
What belt are you?:brown
Where do you want to improve?:wushu,judo
Favorite mods:aikido,twinswords
Why do you want to join?:because i was kick and i want to re join
Have you read the rules?:yes....
Black Belt | Gimp User | YOU CANT DO THE DANCE ¯\_(◕_◕)/¯