Re-apply later. If everything sorts itself out.

And Fluffy?! Why? .... I feel like making a fuss...
Last edited by Puffbunny; Oct 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM.
Rainbowz, I'm adding you to the personal allies list, you are an amazing person.
Will pm the IP for my Minecraft server in a few minutes.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Sorry to see you go Rainbowz, and I wasn't offended at all, so sorry about this whole fuss.
Proud member of Pandora
Originally Posted by kaddon View Post
Sorry to see you go Rainbowz, and I wasn't offended at all, so sorry about this whole fuss.

Why is everyone apologising? No one did anything wrong, haha. My life is just er... shit.

This stress should sort itself out soon, there are a lot of people who are making it harder for me. You know, I don't really want to go to the hospital to check on my mother then comeback home to play this and then get insulted.

The Toribash community just has some less than desirable people, don't worry about it. I've got it all figured out and I know who has my respect and who doesn't.

Final goodbye, Have a nice day guys. (Erm.. or night, lol)
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Well you could of atleast told me that. I would of been less aggressive if you had a real reason for acting all whatever. Oh well, no communication is your fault.
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Well you could of atleast told me that. I would of been less aggressive if you had a real reason for acting all whatever. Oh well, no communication is your fault.

Thank you.
Last edited by Rainbowz; Oct 1, 2011 at 07:21 PM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I wasn't angry to begin with. Then I was.

"For my short time here I have been in one other clan, that being Pandora. most of the members were quite nice however I left due to one or two undesirable individuals that I found were always looking to get attention, any attempt to make them stop would result in them turning into an all caps keyboard warrior.

I normally wouldn't leave a clan for something as petty as that, I make a commitment and I stick to it. But we all have some people that we just cannot stand. They don't appear all that often for me, but when they do I think it's just best to avoid confrontation."

That's interesting. I'm okay if you want to leave to avoid conflict. I know it's pointless to stay somewhere where you find it's evident that you're not wanted. I don't like that from the experience you took away nothing. In fact, you blame us, entirely. You treat it as if we're completely at fault. I called you out for something that seemed minor to me, and you rejected it for reasons I don't understand.

You must believe that you did nothing wrong, but you don't explain that. Either the fear that you could possibly be at fault immediately came to your mind and you ignored it to save face, or you became confused at the idea that you could have possibly done anything wrong. Either way you is very telling of your own ego. You almost fooled me into pitying you and your poor life, that you don't blame us, then you go sell a different story to a different clan, immediately. Were you lying to us in Pandora, or to 1, or both?

In any case, Pandora is a replaceable, expendable, and nothing special to you. I strongly oppose Brubs motion to add you the personal allies list. I don't oppose Puff's motion to allow you to reapply whenever you want, because remaining as you are you'd never want to take up that offer anyway.
Last edited by Acavado; Oct 1, 2011 at 09:24 PM.
Fruit, thank you for making that clear.
+65 billion respects for you.
And rainbowz, we don't need any unloyal, untrustworthy people in Pandora that lie about us to a different clan. Ps, I don' go into an all caps rage ^__^ I just curse you the fuck out, no?
Thank you, good riddance.
Last edited by fluffykat; Oct 1, 2011 at 10:46 PM.
Saying that you have to quit the clan because you are busy with work and being a moderator is one thing, acceptable.
Quitting a clan, lying to said clan about the reason of quitting, then joining another clan is of a whole other level. NOT acceptable.

Let me put it this way, as my dear Fluffs said:
*Le throatclearing cough* FUCK OFF.