Originally Posted by TerryBash View Post
Sup. Here to join nexus.
Name (Real name): Chris
Sex (male/female/bio: Male
Race: Human
Species: Betting Species
Age: 14
Gmt: -5:00
Belt: 2nd Dan
Why do you want to join (10+ words): I got an invite cause im so sexy (o( )o)
What can you offer? : Betting servers, fame, cocks.
Are you a Virgin?: Yes
Invited by some one? (who?): BlackDemon
Sp/mp replays might help us decide: Yeah.

Ima trust blackdemon, and i say yes.

Originally Posted by BloodyRazr View Post
My Name: Cassaundra, but i go by Cassie
Age: I am 16
Sex: Female
Race: Caucasian
GMT: -8
I've been trying to find a clan to join that i would feel like i fit in with, and your clan looks like one i would fit in with.
I can offer my Aikido skills, and my art designing skills for textures
I was invited into this clan by Neurosis01
My Userplate:

And thank you for taking the time to read my application.

Your not bad in-game altough you don't seem the kinda person that is active on forum.
And like neuro said we need to get to know you better,so raise your post count and be more active on toribash forums and then maybe you can enter.
Now its a no from me, in the future who knows.

Demon last nigth after you left,we won to wicked, and Dm wanted a clan war and i say yes.
They wanted to bet 50k and i said no.
We won for 8-3.-.-
Neuro made 4-0 zero at start .
oh and we are in 2nd place.
It's 5 am im going to bed.
Attached Files
festus aikido.rpl (44.9 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by iCoon; Aug 8, 2011 at 06:06 AM.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
ur story,stuns me Lol

In a lol kinda way ?
Well i made it up in like 2 mins.......

please use /invade tags
Im goin go to lunch, will be back in a hour or 45 mins.
ask secret if they want a war.
Do you really think you're in control
Join Date: Jul 2011
Have you sent the invite to Terry seeing as you accepted him?
He'll be useful for recruiting and making Nexus well known.
Last edited by Neurosis01; Aug 8, 2011 at 02:32 PM.
Well some guy wants to report me?
lol he isnt that smart tho....

He is trying to ban me from the tb just cause i gave my account away to some random guy ( i got the account from God)
<hampa> I will start banning anyone I catch trading accounts

Says that at the top of the support irc.

So great job blurting that out.

~user infracted, ignoring rules.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 8, 2011 at 04:33 PM.
Originally Posted by garr View Post
<hampa> I will start banning anyone I catch trading accounts

Says that at the top of the support irc.

So great job blurting that out.

Well good for you cause i didnt do anything wrong.

Edit: Who are you anyways?

I am a close friend to the previous owner of the Bigbada account and its not you.