Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I luv Heimerdinger, I just pwn with him, get my turrets up to max and they are good to run around whilst my opponants chase me, running lets my turrets get them whilst i let my CD's cooldown.
I bought him today, I was thinking, what is a good 6350 IP champion slaying machine?
Didnt know 6350 was the price for the highest priced champions out there. Thought it was 6300
Irelia is not the best "slaying machine" out there, but I like her, you should check her out.

Do you like melee or ranged?
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
I prefer ranged coz I tend to fuck things up when I fight up close, biggest mistake was buying Poppy with IP as I realised that I can't use melee fighters well, Heiermer Dinger suits my style of fighting but there has to be better since he is a 1350 Ip'r
I'm not good with ranged or melee, but if you get warwick, you will always pretty much win.
Warwick is like one of my favorite champions, and I suck at melee.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Woot, I had my best 3 games today. I used Shaco in all three games. My record was like 15-20 kill with only 1-3 deaths.I got around 600 IP.
I started playin LoL 1week ago... dont play that much just got lvl 8 or something like that... its quite cool
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I luv Heimerdinger, I just pwn with him, get my turrets up to max and they are good to run around whilst my opponants chase me, running lets my turrets get them whilst i let my CD's cooldown.
I bought him today, I was thinking, what is a good 6350 IP champion slaying machine?

I remember the days when Heimer had 7 turrets hehe
Originally Posted by devil1337 View Post
I remember the days when Heimer had 7 turrets hehe

Remember when you could use them to creep block at the nexus and then just win with one massive minion wave?
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
Remember when you could use them to creep block at the nexus and then just win with one massive minion wave?

Hehe that was hilarious when it was first discovered. I think there were even youtube tutorials on it.

And Ryze's former 2k damage bouncing ball ultimate. Man was that op ^^
LOL poor Heirmerdinger got nerfed :S
Oh well he still rocks Ima look up this tut and edit my message to leave the link xDDD
This is gonna be awesome to see.