I'm thinking of drawing a champion to send to summoner showcase.
I'm undecided in who to pick, the art will probably be vector art but detailed as I will probably use a flash software since I have no G-tab to draw on.

So help me pick guyz?
Dargon, jump off the hate for just a minute. I never said Dota2 was better, but it sure is harder. Last hitting creep, especially early is ridiculous, stuns and ganks are unforgiving, dying/feeding a few kills can end a game, and your mana pool is incredibly small, so no more spamming spells in lane. Also you don't start with flash.

It doesn't so much help with team fights and late game but I'm convinced it will improve your laning phase 100%. Dargon you need to not be so closed minded, if LoL is the only moba you've ever played you're limiting yourself.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I'm thinking of drawing a champion to send to summoner showcase.
I'm undecided in who to pick, the art will probably be vector art but detailed as I will probably use a flash software since I have no G-tab to draw on.

So help me pick guyz?

Instead of 1 champ, how about 2?

Teemo and Tristana maybe? :P

If not, just draw your favorite champ you play
Already did, name's Eisme.

Also, two rivals/mates would be great for a drawing.

Kha/rengar, trist/teemo, ashe/liss/sejuani, viktor/jayce, ashe/trynd...
Last edited by EJM; Jul 27, 2013 at 11:23 PM.
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Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Already did, name's Eisme.

Also, two rivals/mates would be great for a drawing.

Kha/rengar, trist/teemo, ashe/liss/sejuani, viktor/jayce, ashe/trynd...

Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Instead of 1 champ, how about 2?

Teemo and Tristana maybe? :P

If not, just draw your favorite champ you play

Great idea's guys, might make it an animate sprite instead
Oh yeah, I wondered who Eisme is xD

Is it just me or is Jax like.. OP for Dominion? Also Lee Sin is but I've ever played him just against him xD

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Great idea's guys, might make it an animate sprite instead
Oh yeah, I wondered who Eisme is xD

Is it just me or is Jax like.. OP for Dominion? Also Lee Sin is but I've ever played him just against him xD

the custom game doesnt count, u played 1v2 against me with butler!

i also totally forgot how fun rengar was :< gonna play him more now...
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Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Dargon, jump off the hate for just a minute. I never said Dota2 was better, but it sure is harder. Last hitting creep, especially early is ridiculous, stuns and ganks are unforgiving, dying/feeding a few kills can end a game, and your mana pool is incredibly small, so no more spamming spells in lane. Also you don't start with flash.

It doesn't so much help with team fights and late game but I'm convinced it will improve your laning phase 100%. Dargon you need to not be so closed minded, if LoL is the only moba you've ever played you're limiting yourself.

There is no hate train. I have nothing against DoTA, I even play it every now and then. I'm just fucking tired of stupid LoL vs Dota vs Hon vs Smite vs whatever discussions which are almost as productive as, hhm can't come up with anything I could compare it to.

So far everything I've said have been facts. Everything beyond this will just be my personal experiences and "feelings".

Last hitting isn't really that hard, if you compare it to most APs, seeing how you don't usually run AD runes on them. The weird and imo slow animations make it harder, but same applies to new champions in LoL (yes, I'm lookign at you Karthus/Elise).

Also turn rate, hhhngh. That took few games to get used to.

Manacosts are higher, true, but the power of abilities & combos are higher too. I mostly have problems with remembering my manacosts and guessing enemy's. Something that I have no problem in LoL due having played hella lot more games in LoL.

Imo snowballing isn't as bad/strong in Dota as it is LoL, due to CC being way way better and Agility working as it does. So feeding few kills doesn't really end games as it might do in some matchups in LoL.

I do admit that my knowledge about Dota isn't even nearly on level with my LoL knowledge.

Also, the friends who play Dota and have played agaisnt me in LoL have always lost the lane, and in most cases the game too (10 man inhouses and stuff). But same applies to me versing them in Dota.

Summa summarum: Games play closely enough that all basic knowledge learnt in either game works across, the "finer" stuff doesn't.