Its just that time of year.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
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Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Yeah, I'm about to quit my job. It's so insufferable that I can't stand it. I have been developing my side hustle and shortly I'll be making $300 per session

I make $300 in two weeks.
Originally Posted by royal View Post
Yeah, I'm about to quit my job. It's so insufferable that I can't stand it. I have been developing my side hustle and shortly I'll be making $300 per session

I make $300 in two weeks.

$300 a sessions sounds great dude, no point in working at a job you don’t enjoy and not making that much on top of that, good to see that you have a game plan though
Originally Posted by royal View Post
Yeah, I'm about to quit my job. It's so insufferable that I can't stand it. I have been developing my side hustle and shortly I'll be making $300 per session

I make $300 in two weeks.

that's no good. 300 per session is good though.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
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Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Update on Covid-19 in England: Leeds has been put back into lockdown recently but I don't think it will be a strict situation as before, the covid-19 death toll has risen up to around 12 people, considering leeds is considered a typical party area, I wouldn't be surprised if they went into a local lockdown. With the rules of social distancing is pretty lazy, the governmont, councils of public health in different cities only tell people "social distance responsibly" which i think is just like saying "do what ever you want really"... I understand that people do have to go back to work, make money and live their normal social lives to actually get around but after going through covid-19 test myself it wasn't all that pretty and one of my mates has been tested positive for it, realising how easy that is, especially for him, he and I are very healthy people.

At my work, lifeguarding is a very difficult thing as for any type or first-aiders/first-responders, with CPR now we are not allowed to give breathes to people, all we need to do now is compression's which is very dangerous if they had just drowned, these breathes are needed and yet the government let pools reopen and my work are even adding on more swim sessions to the public. Since the pool has a lot of chemicals which can kill almost any bacteria, we still have some brain-dead people thinking that it is a good idea to stand inches away from each other when standing at the end of the pool to talk, We have placed a 1 way system around the pool which a lot of customers aren't happy with but all i tell people is that "If we don't have these rules in place and you won't follow them, the pool will close once again for weeks if not months and even worse, the whole centre will close too."

After my experience with having to be tested, If i was tested positive for covid-19, the whole leisure centre would have been closed for 2 weeks, and that's just if i had covid-19... My general manager would have had to cancel his wedding, other people who i would with would have had to cancel their holiday's only if I had tested positive, it's crazy to see how much damage me having covid-19 could have caused to the 2nd biggest Leisure centre owned by the company i work for.
Last edited by max; Sep 6, 2020 at 05:39 PM.
covid is a huge bitch

we don't speak about it here, I don't believe that puny, insignificant virus can touch the mountain of defense my immune system has built up through 19 years of glorious training. I was born for this. I will conquer all insignificant lifeforms.
That sounds like a lot of work. To spoon feed covid cause it’s a baby smh. Just let him die without food.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
I won't get corona trust me my immune system built like a fucking unit.

I've eaten nachos off the grass before because the bag popped and I didn't get ill.
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
Originally Posted by Karnage View Post
I won't get corona trust me my immune system built like a fucking unit.

I've eaten nachos off the grass before because the bag popped and I didn't get ill.

you absolute crazy don. Where the hell have you been karnage?