You're not active on the forum if that was your 3rd post.
Yeah, i stated that i would use the forum if i had a need (which would be the clan)
I mainly use it for tutorials atm.

So its a no?
Well thats a really bad app for a clan... Poor, no posts, low belt, newbie...
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
Fair enough, knew it would probably happen.

Just thought id try :L

It says on the first page that if you don't think that you are good enough then don't bother applying.


Well i think im good enough, i just cant prove it by belt, posts and "money".

Dohohohoho well you proved that you're not by double posting.


I actually posted as a reply to your edit, should have edited it like this tbh.

Double posting is against the rules. Now GTFO.

Last edited by Ruadhan; Apr 12, 2010 at 10:07 PM.
/u know invaders is really good game......

yes...dudes....dat wuz a joke loolloloolloololloloololollolololololol......i dont even have TB anymoar...lolllololollolooloollollolloll....and sagi u bastard biiitch xD....llolloll but i wont stop invading here :P i will always be in ur clan forum :P lool... but i still think i could continue playing /invade/'rs....
You better not be serious about the "never leave this clan forum" part. :P
〈---[℘iℜatez]---[NO⍉T]---[⍉shi]---〉 /invade

Do it again, try me.

Last edited by Ruadhan; Apr 15, 2010 at 05:41 PM.