Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
It really depends on what roles, and all champions can be good if played correctly (well most). It's really personal taste. My favorite of the three is shaco, if you learn to jungle with him and time ganks well, you will rape. Shaco is one of my best champions, and I get a very good score with him most of the time. At least 5-10 kills per game with 0-4 deaths, and a baron solo each game.

Actually Shaco is also my best hero of the 3. I get to kill around 3-7 per game. I am actually saving for Anivia(looks awesome). I am looking for caster type heroes like malzahar and such.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
jungle shaco is great, just went 11-0-2 in solo queue

20 minute surrender man

I'm saving up for Shaco atm, 1000ip more. I love characters like him.
Originally Posted by TopShadow View Post
Irelia is already FOTM because of CumshotQQ

She's not OP, do people not know how to counter a jungle?

She rapes a solo lane too
Originally Posted by TopShadow View Post
Irelia is already FOTM because of CumshotQQ

She's not OP, do people not know how to counter a jungle?

She's borderline OP. Too easy to play for how much she gives you, imo.

Try solo top/mid irelia with lantern, then trinity force, then tank items, don't jungle with her - she's similar to Xin Zhao in terms of jungle viability - why do a decent jungle when you can have an excellent laning champ?

You won't get forced out of the lane except in cases of extraordinary harassment - such as a malph + ashe (You can sustain harassment from a solo Malph or Ashe very easily with irelia) lane or similar, and even then you'll still manage many last hits. Since you're so sustainable it's possible to farm as well as Sivir or Anivia on her. By mid game you'll be bursting champs down from full hp, tanking three for at least 5 seconds, by late game you'll be melting everything but tanks in seconds, while being tanky enough to survive at least 10 seconds in a teamfight, enough for her to kill a none-tank or two while being focused. Oh, CC doesn't work against her, sorry.

The only thing you can really do against her is kite - but that's why you pair Irelia with strong initiation champs like Malph or Amumu. Just watch Wickd's stream if you don't believe me.

On the Shaco question, what I dislike about him is that you must have a good early game - otherwise you won't be very useful in team fights. Thankfully, he's got great counter jungle capabilities along with great ganking - so most of the time you'll manage to pull off a good early game, however it's simply very easy to mess up against a good team.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Sneak Peek on Jarvan IV is out.
I've been saving some IP for him since I saw him on PCGamer.
Funniest game of my life. 15/2 I think, and the only reason I got two deaths is because I got executed by minions or turrets because I tried to kill the turret. lulz
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.