I tried to make a modern house. It's still a wip, so i'll post pics when i'm done. It's mainly comprised of a shit ton of glass walling with sandstone lining, with wood interior.
I try to stick with normal difficulty, but it's near impossible even with beds to make a house like this with mobs. I'll be turning it to normal as soon as i get my nether portals situated.

Has anyone else noticed the terrain generation is alot... more alpha-esque again since 1.4? Ever since the update every new area i've explored is like, "holy shit alpha nostalgia" terrain.

LIke seriously, look at this next pic, and tell me that this is not just bat shit insane. This is almost exactly the same as alpha generation.

I don't have terrain mods or anything. The entire area is as intense as that.
i want to start playing minecraft nut where do i start
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
hmm ive gotten interested in minecraft, I was wondering does anyone have a server that me and my friend can come on, and help build.
I'm back :)
WOOT! Gettin Minecraft tommorow.
My friends play it and I love it!
Been watching some dude play it here at

Oh I hope its worth it!
Any1 willing to teach me a bit tommorow, maybe, show off?
Last edited by souldevilj; Apr 4, 2011 at 06:35 PM.