Not OP != Useless.

He's standard AP Assassin. Melee? So are Diana, Kassadin, Katarina etc.

Also, Incarnati0n / Veigodx / Wizikx / Wizikodex would like to say that he doesn't agree with Kat's opinion.

(But yeah, I admit that Fizz gets way less scarier higher you climb.)

Mostly due to the fact that people know how to peel & stuff.


Originally Posted by Lume View Post
High silver and gold is still considered low elo,

Except that even in Gold V you're (at least ranked!) "better" than 90% of LoL players. :P

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
i can fill any role but support is not my favorite because i've played a lot of league/hon/dota2 and like to think that my farming abilities and ability to carry is greater then that of warding.

Perhaps this has something to do with why you're stuck in "ELO Hell", just sayin'.
Last edited by Dargon; Jul 24, 2013 at 09:40 PM.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Also, Incarnati0n / Veigodx / Wizikx / Wizikodex would like to say that he doesn't agree with Kat's opinion.

Perhaps this has something to do with why you're stuck in "ELO Hell", just sayin'.

that guy is a pure beast.

well the second thing.. is more personal i think.
sure u play support if u have to - but u dislike because its either making u no fun or because its not your strengh.
also that youre a good support player usually has nothing to do with stucking in elo hell, its maybe just that a support can carry "better" than u could with a diffrent role.
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Originally Posted by Lume View Post
High silver and gold is still considered low elo, and unfortunately I've been stuck at silver 1 for a long time. I don't believe in elo hell at all but man I've been stuck here forever, just had a game as rengar and everybody on my team was doing fine and I look at the score and our leona is going 1-14.

You CAN carry games if you're good enough, but man, I don't see how I can get past a 1-14 Leona when league makes it near impossible to solo queue carry as opposed to dota 2/hon/dota.

*on a brighter note if anybody has any 5's teams or 3's teams that they would like to extend an invitation to, i'd gladly accept. that is if everybody on the team isn't bronze v and we could actually get somewhere in the ladder ranking. i can fill any role but support is not my favorite because i've played a lot of league/hon/dota2 and like to think that my farming abilities and ability to carry is greater then that of warding.*

The fact that you can 4 shot turrets as Rengar and push really fast makes those situations easier to deal with. If Leona fed their ADC, you can still instagib them if you ult and jump onto them.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Perhaps this has something to do with why you're stuck in "ELO Hell", just sayin'.

Why? Because I prefer carry roles over support? I can support, and if I have to I don't oppose to it. I'm aware how important warding is and I ward countlessly even if I'm not support. (like a good player should)

If you're saying I'm stuck in Silver 1 because I prefer carry roles over support then something is wrong with the system.

(Mind be I was Gold season 2, and my ranked team was breaching plat, so it's not like Silver 1 has been my lowest.)
Last edited by Lume; Jul 24, 2013 at 11:42 PM.
It doesn't even matter what role you like to play anyways. Just by being an overall calm player can increase your odds of victory substantially.

Numbers can attest to this one, he was playing with me during this. He was mid while I was support for a trist. We got outplayed at level 1 by their jungle and bot invading through wraiths and taking our red, then ganking us from behind in tri bush. In the process, most of my wards were either taken out by a pink or ran out of time. Only ward I had was a pink.

So basically, trist gets really mad that were getting bullied out of lane and tells me to lane with Numbers, cause we weren't hiding the fact we were duoing. Complains about lack of wards and me not creating pressure so he can last hit. Basically, I just told him to calm his tits, because I looked at the lane and realized 4 things.

First, we had a 2 level deficit compared to both enemy adc and support. There was no way I could give any sort of pressure without killing myself. Second, the enemy jungle was camping our lane, and I knew that trist would have absolutely no chance against a 3v1 tower dive without cc, let alone a chance to lane a 2v1 without a heal (I was nami). Third, they were pushing their full wave to turret at all moments, and trist was capable of last hitting under turret, so it wasn't like he was missing cs. Last, even if I did ward with the one ward I had, they had a pink and ward superiority, so the second I put it down, it would go down to a counter pink, and waste 125 gold. And it's not like we needed one anyways because we never left turret.

Basically, like I predicted, their jungle dived us with bot as a 3v2. I locked up elise with a q after she hit our adc, so she takes aggro and forces flash out of her. Cait then got aggro, cause she was aaing me, so I exhausted her and got a kill out of it. And lulu was forced to b. After that, trist caught up with levels and surpassed cait with gold, and I had a chance to get more wards safely, and we started steamrolling the lane. We won the game by a large margin.

tl;dr: being calm lets you win, and not get butthurt.
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Of course having a good attitude and being a nice, calm contributing player helps your team win. But still, you try to encourage your team and you have people who say things like "all of the pro players rage at their team, it doesn't matter you scrub."

I'm probably not seeming valid at all seeing as I'm still in Silver 1 and like I said I believe someone can carry themselves out of solo queue but man the teams I've been getting have just been horrid. I don't say anything in-game except encouraging to buy wards, urging people on when they do good and giving people on my team tips when they're doing somewhat bad.

I'm all for cooperation and team play to win solo queue games but my teams never agree with me, usually when they don't agree I just put them on mute or ignore them.

Literally, the solo/duo queue community in League of Legends is so toxic it disgusts me. I was supporting as Leona and I was going 0-1-2 in lane while my ADC was going 0-5, I tried to encourage my team to not give up and the Varus was threatening to afk and I told him to stay and we could play more passive, he feeds another three kills and I say nothing bad to him and him, along with four other people which I assume were spectating the game all added/messaged me telling me to kill myself and that I'll be stuck in Silver forever. If that isn't a bad community I really don't know what is.
Last edited by Lume; Jul 25, 2013 at 02:41 AM.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
What can I say, Assassins are naturally squishy, would be Overpowered to have a tanky assassin x3
Oh wait, Fizz is Overpowered anyway Dx

Seriously, the only person I had trouble killing was Ryze, that Q and Ryze's ability to be a tanky mage is bothersome.

Kassadin is somewhat of a tanky assasin with the right runes and some health(liandry, frozen heart, etc)
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The fact that you can 4 shot turrets as Rengar and push really fast makes those situations easier to deal with. If Leona fed their ADC, you can still instagib them if you ult and jump onto them.

First: Rengar cannot 4 shot turrets, his double q grants him attackspeed but in 6 seconds with those buffs he still can't solo the turret. Second. the support can buy a oracle making rengar powerless as leona stuns and holds rengar down.

You need to stop thinking that the enemy is only going to pick only one champ. To win, you always have to think that the enemy is better then you and not get cocky.

Normally you can get in and get at least the APC or ADC if your team can CC decently, but yeah Rengar can get countered really easily.

Going to start Nasus jungle, let's see how this goes.
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
First: Rengar cannot 4 shot turrets, his double q grants him attackspeed but in 6 seconds with those buffs he still can't solo the turret. Second. the support can buy a oracle making rengar powerless as leona stuns and holds rengar down.

You need to stop thinking that the enemy is only going to pick only one champ. To win, you always have to think that the enemy is better then you and not get cocky.

Rengar can and I have done it before with him. His double Q with lots of ad built(added to his tanky build) can hit half of a turret's hp, and the gargantuan attack speed boost from double Qing(apart from the fact that you can get 5 ferocity very fast to use empowered Q again) makes Rengar slice through turrets like butter.

The support CAN buy oracle, and they do quite often, but that's when you sit back and try to catch the adc out of position. You do not jump into situations where you can't get out alive anyways, that's just stupid.

Respect your opponent's skills but fearing them is a surefire way to lose. Fear makes you hesitate and not jump on to that vayne who just burned her Q because diana and brand are by her. Fear prevents you from getting said triple kill from that situation. You don't need to overestimate anyone's abilities, overestimating someone is just as bad as underestimating. The real solution is learn to estimate. Watching how someone last hits is quite a good judge of how they play.