Not enough people here Mr kradel,
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
Afk i suppose.

I am currently recruiting if anyone wants to join in.
Sadly alot of players say they want to join, but most of them dont post an application even after being given the link.
Last edited by kill828; Dec 17, 2013 at 03:53 AM.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
That's the unfortunate nature of new players.
Of the many who are interested, few will actually apply.
Of the many who apply, few will stay forum active.
Of the few who stay forum active, few will remain active and graduate.

It's a lengthy process which results in a very limited number of people turning out.
Still, if the effort is placed in, it can be quite rewarding.

I've met some wonderful people through recruiting among other things, such as yourself, Kradel, seasick, and so forth.
It may have a low turn-out, but those that turn out are well-worth the time.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Well we cant seem to recruit faster than we lose players, the coming inactivity is getting to an extreme level.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
It would appear so.
I really need to get ahead of my schoolwork so I can devote more time to this.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Why did haruyuki get banned....?
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
The ban list is there. He's at the top.

It says it should be lifted in a few days, but honestly, I'm not even sure what it means.
It says he was banned by himself and the reason being that "[he] accidentally typed in hampa instead of Haruyuki".
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
What.......Im so confused?
Last edited by kill828; Dec 19, 2013 at 11:45 PM.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.