I wanna join I don't care which class, but I prefer Sniper or Pyro
"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"[Death Plague] "Light the fuses, BITCHES!"
we should do a clan in game evaluation for all our members, i know were not really clan based on in game skills but i think i t would be a good idea to see where everybody's in game is at.
friends are cool, but neopets are better.
Originally Posted by thehawk View Post
we should do a clan in game evaluation for all our members, i know were not really clan based on in game skills but i think i t would be a good idea to see where everybody's in game is at.

I barely even play this game anymore, but sure.
Ok, first, I can do that but, there is two little problems that they might be a BIG problem to this "clan evaluation":

1- Who will do this evaluation and, how it will be evaluated. I mean, I saw 2 or 3 different ways in DP to do the recruitment and, probably, people here might have different ways to do the evaluation. So to do this correctly, we need someone to evaluate it correctly and without any differences of evaluation, and this lead us to the second problem.

2- The Time Zones. Death Plague is a clan with lots of Time Zones. And we don't have enough people for doing this in all Time Zones. Like me I believe I'm the only guy of the -3 Time Zone in DP.

So my opinion about this is: This is an amazing idea. But we need to think about it and plan it correctly, both Time Zones problem and the "Evaluation System" problem.

P.S.= Don't expect from me a good rank. Expect something like 3 of 10.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
holy jesus i havent been on in ages must of been a month or so since i last palyed but i checked the forum like every week
but sorry for no posts i diddnt see anythign to post at those times
Anyone seen my cookie im sure i left it here somewhere...?
whenever i recruit people , i host a room, then do a best of 3 (3 different mods (Akido/Wushu/Takkeyon or Random Mod)).

the multiple games is to show patience and overall sportsmanship.

Doubt you can evaluate like that though.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Hello fellas! And I apologize for not posting in a while.. :/ I have been very busy with high school, guitar training, music making etc. Also lost a bit of interest in TB because of OSX Lion.. It just doesn't start toribash again after the first start. So everytime I decide to play, I have to re-install the whole game. It is a simple thing to do, but it pisses me off occasionally.. But I guess you can't do anything about it. Anyhow, how are all you guys doing? Did you have a great x-mas? Or maybe an explosive new year?
Snaykie#0020 GG
Originally Posted by DisBwoYY View Post
Hello fellas! And I apologize for not posting in a while.. :/ I have been very busy with high school, guitar training, music making etc. Also lost a bit of interest in TB because of OSX Lion.. It just doesn't start toribash again after the first start. So everytime I decide to play, I have to re-install the whole game. It is a simple thing to do, but it pisses me off occasionally.. But I guess you can't do anything about it. Anyhow, how are all you guys doing? Did you have a great x-mas? Or maybe an explosive new year?

Not a Mac User, but cant you run TB in Wine, the windows Version Anyway, Give it a shot and tell me how it goes. :3
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]