Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Put some more effort in the application. Put more info and discover how to add replays. Otherwise it's a no.

will do thanks for the feed back.

i am Closing my app i do not want to join For the time being no hard feelings i hope.

all the best Tunigowan
Last edited by Tuna; May 12, 2013 at 05:49 AM.
Self Description: Well, Where to start? Well I guess my name is Jordan Berlo as some of you may know I play in a metal band ~ I See The End. I'm in my early 20's I come into toribash time to time. I am here just don't post as much as I should. I'm a aussie so GMT is a bit hard haha. I do own skype & I do play alot of LoL.
GMT: +10
Past Clans and why you left them: [Reaper] ~ Left to start my own clan, But I left due to me getting banned & was inactive. [Extreme] ~ I left due to inactivity. [SyN] It died on me I was co-leader with Lorrtex.
Belt and Qi: Black Belt & Over 1k+
Are you active on forums?: Yeah very I always scroll in and out I may not post but I am here.
An image of your Tori:

Favorite/Best mod: Greykido & Rkmma
Three replays of your favorite/best mod: Sorry new laptop, So I don't really have any on here. I can throw some into the Clan chat DSC later on if you wish :3
Rythm smells like Cheese
definately a yes from me c:
My Fan Club|†Custom Belt†|†Proud Piratez Overseer and Chest Keeper†| Click or Die|
Do What You Want Cuz A Pirate Is Free. You Are A Pirate!!
Originally Posted by perica View Post

@Btw, are you the singer?

Yeah I am, Singer/Screamer. I tour this time next week for a few weeks but I shall still stay active via my mobile

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Seems like a nice guy, its a yes from me, try to post once in a while though if you get accepted.

I shall post as much as I can with in reason of it not being called "Spam"

Originally Posted by Axel View Post
definately a yes from me c:

Hey still good to see you around Axel
Rythm smells like Cheese