sorry ive been inactive been busy with other stuff and yesterday went to visit my great aunt ive never seen her before then went to my cousins house the trip itself was about 1 hour and 30 mins so we were all exhausted so i came back home at around 9pm took a shower and slept for 1 hour and 30 mins and had a little spar with a guy and went to sleep at about 1 pm :S
Oh yeah, forgot to say, my friend invited me to London with his family.
I'll be back in a week or something.

I can hopefully post something, if our hotel includes free wifi.
May be inactive till October cause I have a real~ serious test coming
Element is Recruiting
Sincerely, GanGuan the Water Mammoth
Will be very fu**ing inactive until after 18th this month and from 1st Nov to 18th Nov will also be fu**ing inactive until i finished my exams , no idea what the new system is so i have to give it my all and get good grades
Element is Recruiting
Sincerely, GanGuan the Water Mammoth