Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post

Updated setup, did this the other day when I was feeling shitty. Much better, desk still messy.

Compensating for something, much?
Actually I have a larger than average penis.

If anything, it's that I didn't have many friends growing up, and everyone hated me and I got bullied a lot. In which case, it sort of makes up for it.
It says "My house was clean last week. Sorry you missed it." :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Cool, I need one of those for my room.

This is the guinea pig that died. He or she was very unusual. You can at least see, for one, his, her, unusual fur. Yeah. I guess guinea pigs weren't meant to have curly hair.
Last edited by Acavado; Feb 23, 2012 at 03:24 AM.
He was so weak; he could hardly stand. And for a while then he could totter around but he kept getting knocked over by the big guinea pigs. Or, uh, she.
