Forget that hulk one.. My best yet.

Artist: pivotbash
Last edited by Pivotbash; Nov 21, 2011 at 01:24 AM.
Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!
I'm going to assume that the GFX hall of fame has been abandoned. None of the judges have replied in over a month.
|Cube | Sphere | Cylinder | Torus|
Youtube channel for the shits and giggles
I'm going to assume that the GFX hall of fame has been abandoned. None of the judges have replied in over a month.

This is horrible news, We must keep it alive..

Artist: pivotbash
Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!
havent seen lilmali or lilterror in ages, this was their brain child.
in a community where sig making is in the minority and amateur at best, i dont see the point.
mali wanted to try it and sig making was picking up in popularity at the time, but mali/terror/surf have run off and you only post here occasionally
pivot, dont like it, looks boring.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I was one of the original judges, but I didn't have the time to keep it up. What made me stray away was because of my judgement. I don't have an eye that tells me if it's good or not. I check this thread very often, i just can't find a reason to post.
|Cube | Sphere | Cylinder | Torus|
Youtube channel for the shits and giggles
Since I'd hate to see such a beautiful thing go down hard, I'm here to try and restore it to it's former reputation.
If you can get more people making sigs in the community and wanting to get in on the HoF for GFX, I'll get back to this.
But in the meantime, I'll do some judging

Judging -
Pivotbash: Once again, your signatures do not meet HoF requirements, they're too bland and boring. Since I'm the only one doing this once again, I'm going to be judging based on the "WOW" factor, meaning I'm going to add signatures that WOW me.

iNoto: Once again, you have made my eyes bleed rainbows and sunshine, since you have 4 entries, and my maximum for one person's HoF entries that can be put up is three, I'll have to decide between the Venom and Phoenix ones. But since the Venom one is less appealing than the phoenix one(IMO) the Phoenix made it along with the rest of your entries

Alphasonik: It's a very nice signature Alphasonik, but it just doesn't meet the "WOW" factor requirements.
Last edited by lilmali97; Dec 5, 2011 at 10:32 PM.
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"