So, since it's coming around Christmas time it's obviously the prime time for some people to pick the game up. Me and about 3 other friends are all going to purchase it on PC and play together. If anyone wants to play I can add you to my steams list if you post your ID here. Really wish it wasn't on origin and was Steam integrated..
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Really wish it wasn't on origin and was Steam integrated..

Same here. It's the only game I have on origin and that's only because it forced me to install it.
The best I could do was get BF3 running through Steam which also runs it through Origin but gives me the Steam overlay. And that was hell to set up. Even then it only works on singleplayer
Last edited by 4zb41; Dec 22, 2011 at 01:10 AM.
Well I played it at friend and I must admit I was shocked when I runed it,the graphic was so amazing that I couldnt belive thats just a game there is very small of arcade left soon the games will be fully realistic or more than realistic.
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Originally Posted by StRiDeR100 View Post
Well I played it at friend and I must admit I was shocked when I runed it,the graphic was so amazing that I couldnt belive thats just a game there is very small of arcade left soon the games will be fully realistic or more than realistic.

Whilst the graphics are great, I don't think games will ever overcome the "uncanny valley" of graphical realism. Merely better and better lighting effects, textures, and models. I don't think there'll be a point where you can't tell the difference between a game's characters and, say, a movie's live actors.

Also I got the QBZ-95B carbine this week from the engineer assignment, and man was that a bitch. I'm now trying to get the one for arming 10 M-COM stations (I'm at 8 at the moment), 2 hours on Karkand (54m 48s) and capture 10 flags (I've done 10). The one after that looks like hell to do.
Last edited by 4zb41; Dec 30, 2011 at 11:55 PM.
I got all the assignments relatively quick, really grinded hard and bang, got it within the first 4 days. Not all of them I have the last one, I don't really even want it though honestly dont we have enough shotguns?

After unlocking every weapon in bf3, surprisingly I have to say the an-94 is my fav. The burst is so great! smack a kobra scope on it easy 20 minimum kills per game! I hate it when players down guns when they just don't know how to use them.

When I first bought bf3, I ONLY played engineer, bad mistake... I got my g36 like 1500 kills around there, now that I reall started using the AN-94 its really close to overtaking it.
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Yeah BF3 doesn't need any more shotguns for sure.

As a side note, when I first got the DAO-12 I thought it was a grenade launcher given its appearance and proceeded to use it like one. It took a while for me to realise it was actually a shotgun.
Thankfully it also saved my life once because I was firing it at an oncoming jeep and apparently the driver thought it was a grenade launcher too and bailed
Got the game today, went on multiplayer straight away and must say it feels so weird. Compared to CoD at least....
graphics are nice too
Me Gusta
Graphics are nice even if you run in low settings. Trying to get the hang of the bullet drop when I snipe, for me the rifle scope is better than the ballistic.
reasonably happy | if gamer grill inbx me | Nightin: hack THIS *unzips dick*
until next time
Using snipers is really not my thing but one sniper I do like is the new qbu sniper that thing is great. L96 is good prob my fav sniper if I had to chose
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