Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Sure, welcome to Adventure.

@Milk: I'm staying neutral until you state your forum and IRC activity.
Until then, leaning to a no.
not dead
My bad for this bad app, activity is low right now because i have to do alot of school work, but i check in alittle more. So, good luck with your clan Silco. I'll will be in your IRC somtimes.

Also, Matt76 delete that spam post "ok."
Originally Posted by calmdown09 View Post
My bad for this bad app, activity is low right now because i have to do alot of school work, but i check in alittle more. So, good luck with your clan Silco. I'll will be in your IRC somtimes.

Also, Matt76 delete that spam post "ok."

I'm delete
It gets better...
Matt me and some members on irc have been thinking. We thought the wrong way of you, sorry for this, but I am going to kick you. I am sorry for this action, but it has to be done. Your just not the material we thought you were. Also that avy you are wearing is for someone else >.> so I would suggest you take it off. Sorry but bye.
I'm back :)
Agreed, to Silco, after our conversation we do not agree with your maturity, your too imature to think about be an adventure, we are a seriour clan, we do not accept players that think they can be the maximum of the maximum of our clan. All we did with this clan was with alot of fight, that we reach when we are. You won't ruin all with have won with honor, using stoled avvy's and trying to be more important than the others, when YOU got accepted yesterday.

Sorry, But I agree with Silco.
sorrry i am really sorry please let me back in this clan i love it please i will do what are you want i will never ask you again please just let me back
It gets better...
You got kicked, please do not post here anymore, who knows in some months you can apply again, and we would discuss about you again.