Originally Posted by warr33 View Post
me beacuse i win 12k in one day xD

Move over Hector.

If anyone has vids of most of these people I would like to see them.

Broken searchbar doesn't really aid in my efforts.
ANSWER======> smilies is the best his kill ratio is 169.0 and he's a black belt.

I actually mimicked his head to honor him lol. he is prolly the most skilled no doubt

Please don't Double post ~SF
Last edited by SkulFuk; Jun 1, 2010 at 09:05 PM.
The more you know
Originally Posted by Pixies2 View Post
ANSWER======> smilies is the best his kill ratio is 169.0 and he's a black belt.

I actually mimicked his head to honor him lol. he is prolly the most skilled no doubt

Please don't Double post ~SF

That isn't impressive at all and does not show his skill in Toribash in any way.
Originally Posted by Modarchy View Post
That isn't impressive at all and does not show his skill in Toribash in any way.

Are you serious? It's very impressive, and it directly demonstrates his skills in toribash. how couldn't it lol?
The more you know
Originally Posted by Pixies2 View Post
Are you serious? It's very impressive, and it directly demonstrates his skills in toribash. how couldn't it lol?

He's either an old schooler or farmed his QI which is why he has a ridiculously high ratio.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
there used to be this big rank board on the site and you could search for your name but they took it down. i forgot who was at the top of it before they took it down. might've been jarmund or jepoy or something.
Originally Posted by Pixies2 View Post
Are you serious? It's very impressive, and it directly demonstrates his skills in toribash. how couldn't it lol?

Make a server.
Kick when you're about to lose.
Repeat 1000 times.

Or he got a qi transfer and did the above like 169 times.

Or he had a lot of wins from ages ago which count for more these days.
Originally Posted by 40757 View Post
He's either an old schooler or farmed his QI which is why he has a ridiculously high ratio.

"Oldschooler?" sorry confused about lingo. please explain
The more you know
this is hard 1
but i dont think nuthug is superior in fight
he is superior in movement,but fight.....hes good in that also but i think there are much better guys
like mosier,evil.....