Well, the twist was really good and the backflip too. The pose was alright but still tipping.
Good job.
┣▇▇▇▇▇▇▇⊐═─ ··.[OSHI]
Thanks for trying to CnC tricking bl4ck, I appreciated it.

Here is a complicated replay, it took alot of time to make it so I hope you like it.
Attached Files
cham- exicion.rpl (317.9 KB, 16 views)
Pretty nice.
You was pretty stiff at some parts.
The realism was awesome.
The last frames before you killed Uke, looked extremely un-realistic and bad.
Th Dm's was pretty cool.
pose was good.

The opener was pretty smooth.
You had a good flow throughout the whole replay.
That decap was hella-clean.
Nice job, bro.
Only flaw I could say there was is that you should've done more.
But, nevertheless, it was a pretty sexy replay.
9.5/10 for flow
10/10 for the smooth decap
8/10 for the destruction.
Nice replay. :3
Cham - exicion very nice, loved that ending boom, pose was nice. 9/10
Cham - de-math Nice movement, great pose, nice dm. 8/10

Best Laugh

Thanks everybody for the comments.
Now I was making some skeet practise and I found a rather interesting way to skeet, enjoy:
Attached Files
Been done before, but nice skeet anyway
It was a bit weak but it was original

de-math: That opener is a bit overused, but ok
The complete leg extension + ankle contraction looked very bad, sorry if it's harsh but it really did
The decap was really nice, I liked how it was completely clean
The pose was very nice too, but your arms looked a bit stiff

oh yeah
Skeet was pretty cool, but it was weak and what not.

Same thing pusga said, opener is overused and leg extension did look good
But the decap was nice and crisp
Pose was nice as well good job
┣▇▇▇▇▇▇▇⊐═─ ··.[OSHI]