1. I'm 11.
2. If you can get me to luagh enough I'll sound like a heina(or however you spell it)
3. I'm a techno fan.
4. I once cried to a death metal song(when I was a fan of it)
5. I can sorta free run in real life.
6.I once puked red.It was sorta funny to me because it looked like blood,but it was gatorade.Also it wasn't very slow it was like a laser(pew pew :3),which made it awesome.
Last edited by CharredLightning; Jan 5, 2010 at 04:13 AM.
Originally Posted by superkake View Post
do you play sports?

you better, or im revoking
my hershey kiss..



I snowboard.

I also find it funny that people are only reacting to my sixth thing.