Endurance Onslaught 6.0
you're a legend

why is there a face in your head texture

i love you
Also what is your opinion on the #FreeDDoS meme?
Last edited by Kozmonaut; Aug 27, 2016 at 05:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
you're on thin ice, pal
BumbleBurke: Favorite show?
I dont really watch many shows, mostly TVE (TeleVison Española) thats basically a news program from Spain and I do watch the Graham Norton show every now and then.

Most suprising replay thats not from you?:
That hacked replay made by nuthug where he had a tori/robot made out of objects. I don't know how to hack a replay so watching somethig like that is very impressive.

Biggest inspirator?:
Hard one. I would say rutz (I thinks that's his name) because when I first saw his replays it opened my mind and made me want to try more original stuff like skating sports etc. On a side note I'd like to mention Nirs. Back in what ever vertion of toribash he had a replay in stock, where he did a spinning upercut into some sort of knee bash. That replay blew my mind and actually could have been one of the reasons that got me in to replay making.

How was school for you?
It was good in general. Sorry for the short answer but you'll have to be more specific. I could talk a lot of crap from such an open question.
Hey, I would like to try a cactus.

denilumi: are u looking to make another cool replay to get at the stock replays ?
No, I'm letting the newer generations take this one... ehem yeah.. um lol. No but seriously I don't think I could win anything, I'm sure I suck right now and there's a lot of good active replay makers + I don't play the game any more. (well I do play from time to time but definitely not replay making)

mody9: do you know how to hack replays?
I have no idea how to hack a replay, that's one thing that I always wanted to know back when I was making replays but at the same time I thought it would be something super complicated to learn so I never bother. And I bet is not as extremely complicated as I pictured it but that mentality made me skip something that could have been very interesting.
So for all the replay makers out there I would recommend them to give it a shot, why not learn something that could make you a better replaymaker?

hezkezljr: haha thank you. Well part of my job is writing "biographies" sort of. But my english is very limited to not say bad. So for me its hard to do so.

+Kozmonaut: why is there a face in your head texture
I am a fan of the Metal Gear series not including raiden's game and MG5 because I haven't played it but from what I've seen not sure what to think.( also no David Hayter )
Any ways... I wanted a faded (not sure this is the right word) face that resemble big boss, but it ended looking like a pirate. Im cool with that.

Also what is your opinion on the #FreeDDoS meme?
I have no idea what that is.
I love you too.
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
Oh cool, I've never play Metal Gear, more of a borderlands guy :P

What's the best replay you have ever made? And if you still have it, post it pls so i can orgasm while watching it

How old are you

Your set is amazing

Oh yeah and do you play any other mods besides sparring mods?
you're on thin ice, pal
whats ur favourite other game ? (not toribash)
what do you do in your free time? ( when u dont have job or idk)
what was something that u always wanted to do in toribash but u still havent done it? (or u might have idk)
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
dude i love you

it makes me sad that you wont make replays anymore, however everyone has a stopping point i suppose

as for my question, what did you draw motivation from as you were in your prime?
tsu tsu cuckoo
Kozmonaut: Best replay?
I don’t know. But the replays that I enjoyed the most making where the sports replays and the long distance skeet ones. And no I don’t have any replays, I lost them all.

How old am I? 26.


Do you play any other mods besides sparring mods?
Right now if I got to play toribash it would be either quick aikido or random fun mods.

Denilumi: whats ur favourite other game ? (not toribash)

Uuu, hard one. There are way to many good games to pick just one. In general I love single player rpg’s or action adventure games. I’m all about the immersion, the role play. The problem that I have is that in order for me to play an rpg I need at least 3 – 5 hours of complete free time and I need to be relaxed as well. I can’t play if Im stressed out about school or work. So these days I rarely get a chance to play any rpg.

So what do I play when I’m free? Rocket league and darksouls 3(pvp) Just multyplayer games that don’t require any invesment other than a few mindless fun matches/fights.

what do you do in your free time? ( when u dont have job or idk)
Most of my free time I spend it with my gf. Other than that, go to the Gym, play tennis and video games.

what was something that u always wanted to do in toribash but u still havent done it?
Making a movie.

Tsuion: I love you too man. Btw aren’t you like a pro replay maker? I think I’ve seen your replays in videos. Your name rings a lot of bells.

Well have in mind that I got the game in 2009, even though I enjoyed every hour that I invested in this game. It’s not as fun as it used to be, you can say I got burned out of it.

What did you draw motivation from as you were in your prime?
Hmm.. well since I was never a perfectionist or some one that would spend a lot of time on a replay, so I was always motivated to do new things that I’ve never seen in toribash.
For example I remember when I saw this video

and I thought to my self “hey I want to try that in TB” so I did the soccer replays and so on and so forth.
But the most important thing was that in my case I got a lot of positive reinforcement from the community. And well as social beings you can’t deny how much that affects your motivation no matter what you are doing.

Loganwburd: can I spar with you?
Sorry bro, I don't think I'll ever get back in to sparring.

JinJe: Have you quit Toribash?
Well even tho I don't play the game any more I still check the forums from time to time so I guess not.
Last edited by largeKilla; Sep 19, 2016 at 08:23 PM.
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
you lost your replays? how?

also i love you
probably dont know who i am and probably havent seen
any of my replays but i have gotten alot of inspiration from you
for replaymaking

okay i wont waste any more
of your time with this

Have a Nice Day!
